最终目标是拥有某种形式的数据结构,用于存储要存储在 txt 文件中的目录的层次结构。


/// <summary>
/// code based on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb513869.aspx
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strFolder"></param>
public static void TraverseTree ( string strFolder )
  // Data structure to hold names of subfolders to be
  // examined for files.
  Stack<string> dirs = new Stack<string>( 20 );

  if ( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( strFolder ) )
    throw new ArgumentException();
  dirs.Push( strFolder );

  while ( dirs.Count > 0 )
    string currentDir = dirs.Pop();
    string[] subDirs;
      subDirs = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories( currentDir );

    catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException e )
      MessageBox.Show( "Error: " + e.Message );
    catch ( System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException e )
      MessageBox.Show( "Error: " +  e.Message );

    string[] files = null;
      files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles( currentDir );

    catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException e )
      MessageBox.Show( "Error: " +  e.Message );

    catch ( System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException e )
      MessageBox.Show( "Error: " + e.Message );
    // Perform the required action on each file here.
    // Modify this block to perform your required task.
    foreach ( string file in files )
        // Perform whatever action is required in your scenario.
        System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo( file );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}, {2}", fi.Name, fi.Length, fi.CreationTime );
      catch ( System.IO.FileNotFoundException e )
        // If file was deleted by a separate application
        //  or thread since the call to TraverseTree()
        // then just continue.
        MessageBox.Show( "Error: " +  e.Message );

    // Push the subdirectories onto the stack for traversal.
    // This could also be done before handing the files.
    foreach ( string str in subDirs )
      dirs.Push( str );

    foreach ( string str in files )
      MessageBox.Show( str );

5 回答 5


您可以使用一种复合模式,其中复合项目 - 是一个文件夹。


class TreeItem
    public string FolderName;
    public List<TreeItem> SubFolders = new List<TreeItem>();
    public string[] Files;

class Program

    private static TreeItem FileTree(string rootFolder){
        var item = new TreeItem();
        item.FolderName = rootFolder;
        item.Files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(rootFolder);

        foreach(var folder in System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(rootFolder))
        return item;

    //Traversal algorithm
    private static void PrintComposite(TreeItem node, int ident)
        var dirName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(node.FolderName);
        Console.WriteLine(@"{0}{1}", new string('-', ident), dirName);
        foreach(var subNode in node.SubFolders)
            PrintComposite(subNode, ident + 1);

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var tree = FileTree(@"D:\Games");
于 2010-04-28T19:10:55.143 回答

一方面,我认为您需要制作更多对象。一个 DirectoryElementInterface 接口或抽象类和一个 DirectoryElement 对象,以及一个实现 DirectoryElementInterface 的 FileElement 对象。现在,与其使用堆栈来遍历层次结构,不如创建DirectoryElementInterface root = new DirectoryElement(nameOfNode). 然后对 getFiles 中的每个文件执行类似root.addElement(new FileElement(filename));. addElement 应添加到 DirectoryElement 中的列表。对目录执行类似操作。好的,现在您可以创建一个级别。

现在进行迭代步骤。取你刚才写的例程,做root一个参数。您可以将其命名为任何名称,但对于本次讨论,我将调用此新例程 addDirectoryInformation。您现在的主要任务是创建根并在根中调用 addDirectoryInformation。要进行迭代,我们需要向现在填充的根请求其元素列表,对列表执行 foreach 并为每个作为目录的元素调用 addDirectoryInformation。完成该工作后,将循环移动到 addDirectoryInformation 的末尾。现在,您添加的每个目录都会递归地添加其所有子目录。

一个适当的递归程序的另一件事。你必须知道什么时候停止递归。在这种情况下,这很容易。如果列表中没有目录,则永远不会调用 addDirectoryInformation。所以你完成了。

于 2010-04-28T19:45:51.037 回答


// How much deep to scan. (of course you can also pass it to the method)
const int HowDeepToScan=20;

public static void ProcessDir ( string dirName, int recursionLvl, string strFileName)

  string tabs = new String( '-', recursionLvl );

  if ( recursionLvl<=HowDeepToScan )
    // Process the list of files found in the directory. 
    string [] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles( dirName );
    TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter( strFileName, true );
    tw.WriteLine( tabs + "<a href=\" " +  System.IO.Path.GetFullPath( dirName ) + "\">" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName( dirName ) + "</a><br />" );
    foreach ( string fileName in fileEntries )
      // do something with fileName

      tw.WriteLine( tabs + "<a href=\" " +  System.IO.Path.GetFullPath( fileName ) + "\">" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName( fileName ) + "</a><br />" );


    // Recurse into subdirectories of this directory.
    string [] subdirEntries = Directory.GetDirectories( dirName );
    foreach ( string subdir in subdirEntries )
      // Do not iterate through reparse points
      if ( ( File.GetAttributes( subdir ) &
        FileAttributes.ReparsePoint ) !=
            FileAttributes.ReparsePoint )

        ProcessDir( subdir, recursionLvl+1, strFileName );



<a href=" C:\code">code</a><br />
<a href=" C:\code\group.zip">FluentPath (1).zip</a><br />
<a href=" C:\code\index.html">index.html</a><br />
于 2010-04-29T12:46:41.453 回答

上周我做了一门课程,我们做了类似的事情,输出是控制台,但没有理由不能将它流式写入 .txt 文件。

使用系统;使用 System.Collections.Generic;使用 System.Linq;使用 System.Text;

namespace ShowDirectory { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("该程序列出目录中的所有文件。"); System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(@"C:\"); foreach (System.IO.FileInfo 文件在 dir.GetFiles(" . ")) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", file.Name, file.Length); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }

于 2010-05-26T16:13:56.177 回答


// IncludeExcludeFileEnumerator(string baseDir, string includePattern, string excludePattern)
// Include pattern can include ** that means tree hierarchy
var myFiles = new IncludeExcludeFileEnumerable(@"C:\test\aaa", @"**.bmp,*.jpg", "*excl_bad*.*,*fu*");
foreach (var s in myFiles)

文件迭代器的代码( IEnumerator, IEnumerable ):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace IncludeExcludeFileEnumerator
    public class IncludeExcludeFileEnumerator : IEnumerator<String>
        private string excludeRegExPattern;
        private readonly Regex regexSeparateFilePath;
        private readonly Regex excludeRegex = null;
        private int currentPatternIndex;
        private IEnumerator<string> filesEnum;
        private IEnumerable<string> files;
        bool isNext = true;
        private readonly List<Tuple<string, string, SearchOption>> incPatternsList;

        public IncludeExcludeFileEnumerator(string baseDirectory, string includePattern, string excludePattern)
            // Split comma separated string to array of include patterns
            var initIncludePatterns = includePattern.Split(',');
            regexSeparateFilePath = new Regex(@"(.*)[\\/]([^\\/]*$)", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // Prepare include patterns
            incPatternsList = initIncludePatterns.ToList().ConvertAll(
                (incPattern) =>
                    incPattern = incPattern.Trim();
                    var matches = regexSeparateFilePath.Matches(incPattern);
                    string pathPattern;
                    string filePattern;
                    if (matches.Count == 0)
                        pathPattern = "";
                        filePattern = incPattern;
                        pathPattern = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
                        filePattern = matches[0].Groups[2].Value;
                    SearchOption searchOption = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly;
                    if (filePattern.Contains("**"))
                        filePattern = filePattern.Replace("**", "*");
                        searchOption = SearchOption.AllDirectories;
                    var fullPathPattern = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, pathPattern);
                    // Returns tuple {PathPattern, FilePattern, SearchOption}
                    return new Tuple<string, string, SearchOption>(fullPathPattern, filePattern, searchOption);

            // Prepare regular expression for exclude case (all in one, concatinated by (| - or) separator)
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(excludePattern))
                var excPatterns = excludePattern.Replace(".", @"\.");
                excPatterns = excPatterns.Replace("*", ".*");
                excludeRegExPattern = excPatterns.Replace(",", "|");
                excludeRegex = new Regex(excludeRegExPattern, RegexOptions.Compiled);

        public string Current
            get { return filesEnum.Current; }

        public void Dispose()


        object System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current
            get { return (Object)this.Current; }

        public bool MoveNext()
                if (( filesEnum == null ) && (incPatternsList.Count < currentPatternIndex + 2))
                    return false;
                if ((filesEnum == null) || (isNext == false))
                    var tuple = incPatternsList[++currentPatternIndex];
                    files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3);
                    filesEnum = files.GetEnumerator();
                    isNext = true;
                while (isNext)
                    isNext = filesEnum.MoveNext();
                    if (isNext) 
                        if (excludeRegex==null) return true;
                        if (!excludeRegex.Match(filesEnum.Current).Success) return true;
                        // else continue;
                        filesEnum = null;
            } while (true);

        public void Reset()
            currentPatternIndex = -1;
            filesEnum = null;

    public class IncludeExcludeFileEnumerable : IEnumerable<string>
        private string baseDirectory;
        private string includePattern;
        private string excludePattern;

        public IncludeExcludeFileEnumerable(string baseDirectory, string includePattern, string excludePattern)
            this.baseDirectory = baseDirectory;
            this.includePattern = includePattern;
            this.excludePattern = excludePattern;

        public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
            return new IncludeExcludeFileEnumerator(baseDirectory, includePattern, excludePattern);

        System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return (IEnumerator)this.GetEnumerator();
于 2013-09-10T07:16:14.113 回答