例如,如果您发现翻转索引 0..5 会导致 +4,那么这很好,并且您希望将 0..5 作为您的范围的一部分,因为只有在您也要翻转时它才会使您受益指数 6..X。但是如果 0..5 结果为 -1,您不想使用 0..5,因为这只会降低您的分数。因此,那时您将从 6..6 重新开始。也许在代码中更容易看到。这是一个一次性解决问题的 C 版本:
// Returns best range (start..end) to flip, and best score achieved.
static void findRange(const int *array, int *pStart, int *pEnd, int *pScore)
int start = 0;
int best = 0;
int i = 0;
int diff = 0;
int base = 0;
int bestStart = -1;
int bestEnd = -1;
// Count the number of 1s in the array already.
for (i=0;i<N;i++)
base += array[i];
// Run through the array, keeping track of "diff", which is how much
// we have gained by flipping the bits from "start" to "i".
for (i=start=0;i<N;i++) {
// Flip the number at i.
if (array[i] == 0)
// If this range (from start to i) is the best so far, remember it.
if (diff > best) {
bestStart = start;
bestEnd = i;
best = diff;
// If we get to a zero or negative difference, start over with a
// new range starting from i+1.
if (diff <= 0) {
start = i+1;
diff = 0;
*pStart = bestStart;
*pEnd = bestEnd;
*pScore = base + best;
编辑:在阅读了 Kadane 的算法之后,事实证明我写的内容等同于使用 Kadane 来找到修改后的数组上的最大子数组,在该数组中将每个 0 切换为 1,将每个 1 切换为 -1。