When I decompile my CHM file use microsoft html help workshop. It generates HHC,HHK and bunch of HTML files but no HHP file. When I create an HHP file using new project option and then compile it to create another CHM file. Now these two CMH files are not of same size and they behave differently. Am I missing something here? I am simply decompiling and re-compiling the same CHM file but the result is different.


1 回答 1


好吧,逻辑表明原始 HHP 文件是不同的 :-) 当然,研讨会版本控制也可能是相关的。

据我所知,反编译 HTML 并非完全可逆,而且我也怀疑它是否妥善处理了研讨会版本控制。它主要被认为是一种单向转换,而不是一种可靠地归档数据的方法。

于 2010-04-29T08:48:59.437 回答