I'm trying to iterate through multiple lists to find a "Directory". If I have a directory structure such as: /A/B/C
It seems to work if I look for B or C, but fails for D and F. I think this is because when it encounters a situation where it is searching down a list and it doesn't find the correct Directory then it doesn't know what to return (or if I uncomment the return NULL it returns null, which I don't want it to because it doesn't mean it's not technically found).
I.E. If I search for F, it will search A/B/C and not know what to return.
Is there a way to hold off on the return value until it finds a directory or until it is finished looking?
Directory* search_tree_for_dir(string dir_name) {
for(list<Directory*>::iterator iter = this->l_dir.begin(); iter != this->l_dir.end(); iter++) {
// Base case: if directory found then return
if((*iter)->name == dir_name){
return *iter;
if(*iter != NULL) {
return (*iter)->search_tree_for_dir(dir_name);
//return NULL;