我有一个生产网站,其中 master 已签出,还有一个开发网站,我在功能分支中进行开发。
当一个特性被合并到 master 中时,我在开发站点上这样做:
(currently on the new-feature branch)
$ git commit -m"new feature finished"
$ git push
$ git checkout master
$ git merge new-feature
$ git push
(currently on master branch)
$git pull
这对我有用。但有时客户打电话并需要快速在网站上进行小改动。我可以在 master 和 push master 的生产上执行此操作,并且效果很好。
(On production on branch master)
$ git branch quick-feature
$ git checkout quick-feature
$ git push origin quick-feature
$ edit files...
$ git add .
$ git commit -m"quick changes"
$ git push # until this point the changes are live
$ git checkout master #now the changes are not live anymore GAP
$ git merge quick-feature # now the changes are live again
$ git push