I've a package where I need to retrieve data from a mysql table and insert it into sql server table. I've a situation where in old data often gets modified and the client wants to dump all data which is too large and time consuming...So I've come up with a proposal that we'd load only yesterday's data on week days and do complete dump on weekend...Is there a possibility of Enable/Disabling a DFT Based on an expression? I've Tried using Expressions->Disable based on DATEPART(WeekDAY,GETDATE()) but it runs for a complete load irrespective of expression's value

Regards, Vijay


2 回答 2


您应该在源查询中将条件作为针对您的 select 语句的 where 子句。您需要先将访问模式从表更改为 SQL 语句

于 2014-11-27T12:37:09.303 回答

创建执行表达式的 SQL 任务或脚本任务,并将结果设置为变量。然后创建您的数据流任务。然后用箭头连接两者(又名优先约束)

然后在arror上右击:Edit并选择Edit,在Precedence Constraint Editor中选择EvaluationOperation: Expression Value: @@YourVariable= {一个表达式,比如@iRowsUpdated==True}

于 2014-11-28T00:46:29.627 回答