我一直非常高兴地使用 PredicateBuilder,但直到现在只将它用于只有连接 AND 语句或 OR 语句的查询。现在我第一次需要一对嵌套的 OR 语句和一些 AND 语句,如下所示:
select x from Table1 where a = 1 AND b = 2 AND (z = 1 OR y = 2)
Expression<Func<TdIncSearchVw, bool>> predicate =
PredicateBuilder.True<TdIncSearchVw>(); // for AND
Expression<Func<TdIncSearchVw, bool>> innerOrPredicate =
PredicateBuilder.False<TdIncSearchVw>(); // for OR
innerOrPredicate = innerOrPredicate.Or(i=> i.IncStatusInd.Equals(incStatus));
innerOrPredicate = innerOrPredicate.Or(i=> i.RqmtStatusInd.Equals(incStatus));
predicate = predicate.And(i => i.TmTec.Equals(tecTm));
predicate = predicate.And(i => i.TmsTec.Equals(series));
predicate = predicate.And(i => i.HistoryInd.Equals(historyInd));
var query = repo.GetEnumerable(predicate);
这会导致 SQL 完全忽略 2 OR 短语。
select x from TdIncSearchVw
where ((this_."TM_TEC" = :p0 and this_."TMS_TEC" = :p1)
and this_."HISTORY_IND" = :p2)
如果我尝试仅使用 OR 短语,例如:
Expression<Func<TdIncSearchVw, bool>> innerOrPredicate =
PredicateBuilder.False<TdIncSearchVw>(); // for OR
innerOrPredicate = innerOrPredicate.Or(i=> i.IncStatusInd.Equals(incStatus));
innerOrPredicate = innerOrPredicate.Or(i=> i.RqmtStatusInd.Equals(incStatus));
var query = repo.GetEnumerable(innerOrPredicate);
我得到了预期的 SQL,如:
select X from TdIncSearchVw
where (IncStatusInd = incStatus OR RqmtStatusInd = incStatus)
如果我尝试仅使用 AND 短语,例如:
predicate = predicate.And(i => i.TmTec.Equals(tecTm));
predicate = predicate.And(i => i.TmsTec.Equals(series));
predicate = predicate.And(i => i.HistoryInd.Equals(historyInd));
var query = repo.GetEnumerable(predicate);
我得到如下 SQL:
select x from TdIncSearchVw
where ((this_."TM_TEC" = :p0 and this_."TMS_TEC" = :p1)
and this_."HISTORY_IND" = :p2)