
for(x = 0; x < 8; x++){
for(y = 0; y < 8; y++){
printf(" %d", occupy[x][y]);
printf(" \n");

我正在为 Gameboy 制作一个随机生成的迷宫游戏,并且我正在使用 2d 数组来了解每个屏幕在迷宫中的位置。为了进行测试,我正在尝试打印该数组,以便在继续之前查看它是否正确生成。当我尝试用那一小段代码进行编译时,我在它的第一行得到一个错误,然后在文件 blah blah blah 中说致命的编译器内部错误。我不知道的代码中有一个很大的禁忌吗?


#include <gb\gb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rand.h>

#define UP 0x01U
#define RIGHT 0x02U
#define DOWN 0x04U
#define LEFT 0x08U

int occupy[8][8]= {

void generate(){
int temp;
int x;
int y;
UBYTE restrict;
UBYTE direction;
for(x = 0; x < 8; x++){
for(y = 0; y < 8; y++){
occupy[x][y] = 0;
/* ========Occupy=Cleared========== */
restrict = 0x00U;
x = rand() & 7;
y = rand() & 7;

if(x == 6 || x == 7){ restrict += RIGHT;}
if(x == 0 || x == 1){ restrict += LEFT;}
if(y == 0 || y == 1){ restrict += UP;}
if(y == 6 || y == 7){ restrict += DOWN;}

/* in the rest of generation wrap this block in if(restrict != 0x0FU){ */

temp = rand() & 3;
if(temp == 0){ direction = UP;}
if(temp == 1){ direction = RIGHT;}
if(temp == 2){ direction = DOWN;}
if(temp == 3){ direction = LEFT;}
}while(restrict & direction);

occupy[x][y] = 5;
if(direction == UP){ occupy[x][y-1] = 1;}
if(direction == RIGHT){ occupy[x+1][y] = 2;}
if(direction == DOWN){ occupy[x][y+1] = 3;}
if(direction == LEFT){ occupy[x-1][y] = 4;}

for(x = 0; x < 8; x++){
for(y = 0; y < 8; y++){
printf(" %d", occupy[x][y]);
printf(" \n");


void main(){


2 回答 2


这在我的 GBDK 版本下编译得很好,尽管我不确定为什么我所做的更改是修复它的原因。


  • occupy现在是一个数组,unsigned int而不仅仅是int(没有这个更改sdcc崩溃)
  • printf循环内的调用从更改" %d"" %u"(因为该值是无符号的)
  • 显示printf地址的occupy已添加。如果我删除它或将其更改为做其他事情,则会sdcc崩溃。这很愚蠢,但似乎是必需的。我正在寻找不需要无意义的替代方案printf

    • 请注意,可以改用以下内容,这不会导致打印任何内容(因为它尝试写入 address $0000,但这是只读的并且失败)。它仍然很愚蠢,但没有显示任何内容。不过,它可能仍会导致一些放缓。

      sprintf(0, "", &occupy);
  • 我还改进了缩进。

#include <gb\gb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rand.h>

#define UP 0x01U
#define RIGHT 0x02U
#define DOWN 0x04U
#define LEFT 0x08U

unsigned int occupy[8][8] = {

void generate(){
    int temp;
    int x;
    int y;
    UBYTE restrict;
    UBYTE direction;

    for(x = 0; x < 8; x++){
        for(y = 0; y < 8; y++){
            occupy[x][y] = 0;
    /* ========Occupy=Cleared========== */
    restrict = 0x00U;
    x = rand() & 7;
    y = rand() & 7;

    if(x == 6 || x == 7){ restrict += RIGHT;}
    if(x == 0 || x == 1){ restrict += LEFT;}
    if(y == 0 || y == 1){ restrict += UP;}
    if(y == 6 || y == 7){ restrict += DOWN;}

    /* in the rest of generation wrap this block in if(restrict != 0x0FU){ */

        temp = rand() & 3;
        if(temp == 0){ direction = UP;}
        if(temp == 1){ direction = RIGHT;}
        if(temp == 2){ direction = DOWN;}
        if(temp == 3){ direction = LEFT;}
    }while(restrict & direction);

    occupy[x][y] = 5;
    if(direction == UP){ occupy[x][y-1] = 1;}
    if(direction == RIGHT){ occupy[x+1][y] = 2;}
    if(direction == DOWN){ occupy[x][y+1] = 3;}
    if(direction == LEFT){ occupy[x-1][y] = 4;}

    printf(" %x\n", &occupy); //Strangely without this printf it doesn't compile???
    for(x = 0; x < 8; x++){
        for(y = 0; y < 8; y++){
            printf(" %u", occupy[x][y]);
        printf(" \n");


void main(){


  • 您永远不会初始化 RNG,因此结果将始终相同。有几种方法可以设置种子。通常,您可以在标题屏幕上使用时间,或者您可以使用种子选择器。

    //Seeds RNG by time taken to press start
    void seedRNG() {
        UINT16 seed = 0;
        printf("Press start\n");
        while (!(joypad() & J_START)) {
    //Seeds RNG with a user-chosen number.
    //Requires inclusion of <gb\console.h>.
    void seedRNG() {
        UINT16 seed = 0x8000U; //In the middle to prevent over/underflow issues
        while (!(joypad() & J_START)) {
            if (joypad() & J_UP) { seed++; }
            if (joypad() & J_DOWN) { seed--; }
            printf("%x\n", seed);
  • 在这种情况下,您实际上不需要打印内容来查看它,因为您可以使用大多数模拟器中的“内存查看器”。这些位置可以在使用-Wl-j-Wl-m选项生成的 RAM 映射中找到。

  • 我建议使用INT16orWORD而不是intUINT16orUWORD而不是unsigned int等,因为它们的名称中包含大小。 UBYTE这样也很好用。

于 2014-11-26T20:29:44.473 回答
the following compiles

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // contains rand and srand function prototypes
#include <time.h>
//#include "gb\gb.h"

void generate( void );

#define UP 0x01U
#define RIGHT 0x02U
#define DOWN 0x04U
#define LEFT 0x08U
typedef unsigned char UBYTE;

int occupy[8][8] =

int main()

void generate()
    int temp;
    int x;
    int y;
    UBYTE block;
    UBYTE direction;

    for(x = 0; x < 8; x++)
        for(y = 0; y < 8; y++)
            occupy[x][y] = 0;
    /* ========Occupy=Cleared========== */
    block = 0x00U;
    srand(time(NULL) ); // initialize rand()
    x = rand() & 8;
    y = rand() & 8;

    if(x == 6 || x == 7){ block += RIGHT;}
    if(x == 0 || x == 1){ block += LEFT;}
    if(y == 0 || y == 1){ block += UP;}
    if(y == 6 || y == 7){ block += DOWN;}

    /* in the rest of generation wrap this block in if(block != 0x0FU){ */

    // NOTE:
    // in the following while loop if direction is not the same a block
    // then the loop will immediately exit
    // probably not what you want to do.
        temp = rand() & 4;
        if(temp == 0){ direction = UP;}
        if(temp == 1){ direction = RIGHT;}
        if(temp == 2){ direction = DOWN;}
        if(temp == 3){ direction = LEFT;}
    } while(block & direction);

    // NOTE:
    // in the following code,
    // 'x' and/or 'y' could be 0 or 7
    // in either case, one or more of the following statements
    // can/will cause accessing outside of the bounds
    // of the occupy[][] array
    occupy[x][y] = 5;
    if(direction == UP)   { occupy[x][y-1] = 1;}
    if(direction == RIGHT){ occupy[x+1][y] = 2;}
    if(direction == DOWN) { occupy[x][y+1] = 3;}
    if(direction == LEFT) { occupy[x-1][y] = 4;}

    for(x = 0; x < 8; x++)
        for(y = 0; y < 8; y++)
            printf(" %d", occupy[x][y]);
        printf(" \n");
于 2014-11-25T21:09:20.573 回答