我已经根据可配置的列,使用 RGB 值对 Bartdude 的答案进行了修改,用于浅灰色/白色。当值发生变化时,布尔变量被翻转,这用于通过 True 和 False 的整数值来索引颜色数组。在 2010 年为我工作。用工作表号呼叫子。
Public Sub HighLightRows(intSheet As Integer)
Dim intRow As Integer: intRow = 2 ' start at 2, cause there's nothing to compare the first row with
Dim intCol As Integer: intCol = 1 ' define the column with changing values
Dim Colr1 As Boolean: Colr1 = True ' Will flip True/False; adding 2 gives 1 or 2
Dim lngColors(2 + True To 2 + False) As Long ' Indexes : 1 and 2
' True = -1, array index 1. False = 0, array index 2.
lngColors(2 + False) = RGB(235, 235, 235) ' lngColors(2) = light grey
lngColors(2 + True) = RGB(255, 255, 255) ' lngColors(1) = white
Do While (Sheets(intSheet).Cells(intRow, 1) <> "")
'check for different value in intCol, flip the boolean if it's different
If (Sheets(intSheet).Cells(intRow, intCol) <> Sheets(intSheet).Cells(intRow - 1, intCol)) Then Colr1 = Not Colr1
Sheets(intSheet).Rows(intRow).Interior.Color = lngColors(2 + Colr1) ' one colour or the other
' Optional : retain borders (these no longer show through when interior colour is changed) by specifically setting them
With Sheets(intSheet).Rows(intRow).Borders
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
.Color = RGB(220, 220, 220)
End With
intRow = intRow + 1
End Sub
可选奖励:对于 SQL 数据,将任何 NULL 值着色为与 SSMS 中使用的相同的黄色
Public Sub HighLightNULLs(intSheet As Integer)
Dim intRow As Integer: intRow = 2 ' start at 2 to avoid the headings
Dim intCol As Integer
Dim lngColor As Long: lngColor = RGB(255, 255, 225) ' pale yellow
For intRow = intRow To Sheets(intSheet).UsedRange.Rows.Count
For intCol = 1 To Sheets(intSheet).UsedRange.Columns.Count
If Sheets(intSheet).Cells(intRow, intCol) = "NULL" Then Sheets(intSheet).Cells(intRow, intCol).Interior.Color = lngColor
Next intCol
Next intRow
End Sub