I am attempting to run DEXguard on my simple android application.

I have taken the step of adding it's JAR file into the dropins directory in my Eclipse ADT bundle.

However now whenever I open eclipse I get this error:

    Errors occurred during the build. 
Errors running builder "Android optimizer and obfuscator (Dexguard) on project 'test'.


Anytime I try to run any project within eclipse this happens.

What can I do to fix this problem?

EDIT: I have already re-installed eclipse and updated my sdk


1 回答 1


此类错误表明您将 DexGuard 插件与 Eclipse 中不兼容的 Android 插件版本相结合。您应该检查 DexGuard 手册中记录的兼容版本号。将两个插件升级到最新版本应该可以工作。

于 2014-12-15T23:03:11.050 回答