我想知道是否可以声明一个描述属性的 Attribute 属性,因此需要如此强的类型,并且理想情况下,智能感知可以用来选择该属性。类类型通过将成员声明为类型类型很好地工作 但是如何将属性作为参数获取,以便“PropName”不被引用并且是强类型的?


 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]
 public class MyMeta : Attribute{
   public Type SomeType { get; set; }  // works they Way I like.
   // but now some declaration for a property that triggers strong typing 
   // and ideally intellisense support, 
   public PropertyInfo Property { get; set; }    //almost, no intellisence type.Prop "PropName" is required
   public ? SomeProp {get;set;}  //   <<<<<<< any ideas of nice type to define a property

public class Example{
  [MyMeta(SomeType = typeof(SomeOtherClass))]   //is strongly typed and get intellisense support...
  public string SomeClassProp { get; set; }
  [MyMeta(SomeProp = Class.Member)]   // <<< would be nice....any ideas ?
  public string ClassProp2 { get; set; }
  // instead of
  [MyMeta(SomeProp = typeof(T).GetProperty("name" )]   // ... not so nice
  public string ClassProp3 { get; set; }

编辑: 为了避免使用属性名称字符串,我构建了一个简单的工具来保持编译时检查,同时将属性名称作为字符串存储和使用。

这个想法是,您可以通过它的类型和名称快速引用一个属性,并使用智能感知帮助和类似 resharper 的代码完成。然而将一个字符串传递给一个工具。

I use a resharper template with this code shell

string propname =  Utilites.PropNameAsExpr( (SomeType p) => p.SomeProperty )   


public class Utilities{
  public static string PropNameAsExpr<TPoco, TProp>(Expression<Func<TPoco, TProp>> prop)
        //var tname = typeof(TPoco);
        var body = prop.Body as System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression;
        return body == null ? null : body.Member.Name;

1 回答 1



[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]
 public class MyMeta : Attribute{
   public Type SomeType { get; set; }
   public string PropertyName {get;set;}
   public PropertyInfo Property { get { return /* get the PropertyInfo with reflection */; } } 

public class Example{
  [MyMeta(SomeType = typeof(SomeOtherClass))]   //is strongly typed and get intellisense support...
  public string SomeClassProp { get; set; }
  [MyMeta(SomeType = typeof(SomeOtherClass), PropertyName = "SomeOtherProperty")]
  public string ClassProp2 { get; set; }
于 2013-06-01T11:56:12.437 回答