我正在扫描一个文件以查找与某个正则表达式模式匹配的行,然后我想打印出匹配但按字母顺序排列的行。我确定这是微不足道的,但 vbscript 不是我的背景


Dim lines(10000)

如果这有什么不同,我正在尝试从正常的 cmd 提示符执行我的脚本


13 回答 13



在 VBScript 中对数组进行排序从未如此简单。那是因为 VBScript 没有任何类型的排序命令。反过来,这总是意味着 VBScript 脚本编写者被迫编写自己的排序例程,无论是冒泡排序例程、堆排序、快速排序还是某种其他类型的排序算法。


Set outputLines = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")

'add lines
outputLines.Add output
outputLines.Add output

For Each outputLine in outputLines
    stdout.WriteLine outputLine
于 2008-11-06T13:21:22.070 回答

我知道这是一个相当古老的话题,但它可能对将来的任何人都派上用场。下面的脚本完成了这个家伙试图纯粹使用 vbscript 实现的目标。当以大写字母开头的排序术语将具有优先权。

for a = UBound(ArrayOfTerms) - 1 To 0 Step -1
    for j= 0 to a
        if ArrayOfTerms(j)>ArrayOfTerms(j+1) then
        end if
于 2011-03-06T07:18:32.573 回答


Const adVarChar = 200  'the SQL datatype is varchar

'Create a disconnected recordset
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
rs.Fields.append "SortField", adVarChar, 25

rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs.AddNew "SortField", "Some data"
rs.AddNew "SortField", "All data"

rs.Sort = "SortField"


Do Until rs.EOF
    strList=strList & vbCrLf & rs.Fields("SortField")        

MsgBox strList
于 2008-11-21T13:22:54.100 回答

这是我为从 ADODB.Recordset 的 GetRows 方法返回的数组编写的快速排序。

'Author:        Eric Weilnau
'Date Written:  7/16/2003
'Description:   QuickSortDataArray sorts a data array using the QuickSort algorithm.
'               Its arguments are the data array to be sorted, the low and high
'               bound of the data array, the integer index of the column by which the
'               data array should be sorted, and the string "asc" or "desc" for the
'               sort order.
Sub QuickSortDataArray(dataArray, loBound, hiBound, sortField, sortOrder)
    Dim pivot(), loSwap, hiSwap, count
    ReDim pivot(UBound(dataArray))

    If hiBound - loBound = 1 Then
        If (sortOrder = "asc" and dataArray(sortField,loBound) > dataArray(sortField,hiBound)) or (sortOrder = "desc" and dataArray(sortField,loBound) < dataArray(sortField,hiBound)) Then
            Call SwapDataRows(dataArray, hiBound, loBound)
        End If
    End If

    For count = 0 to UBound(dataArray)
        pivot(count) = dataArray(count,int((loBound + hiBound) / 2))
        dataArray(count,int((loBound + hiBound) / 2)) = dataArray(count,loBound)
        dataArray(count,loBound) = pivot(count)

    loSwap = loBound + 1
    hiSwap = hiBound

        Do While (sortOrder = "asc" and dataArray(sortField,loSwap) <= pivot(sortField)) or sortOrder = "desc" and (dataArray(sortField,loSwap) >= pivot(sortField))
            loSwap = loSwap + 1

            If loSwap > hiSwap Then
                Exit Do
            End If

        Do While (sortOrder = "asc" and dataArray(sortField,hiSwap) > pivot(sortField)) or (sortOrder = "desc" and dataArray(sortField,hiSwap) < pivot(sortField))
            hiSwap = hiSwap - 1

        If loSwap < hiSwap Then
            Call SwapDataRows(dataArray,loSwap,hiSwap)
        End If
    Loop While loSwap < hiSwap

    For count = 0 to Ubound(dataArray)
        dataArray(count,loBound) = dataArray(count,hiSwap)
        dataArray(count,hiSwap) = pivot(count)

    If loBound < (hiSwap - 1) Then
        Call QuickSortDataArray(dataArray, loBound, hiSwap-1, sortField, sortOrder)
    End If

    If (hiSwap + 1) < hiBound Then
        Call QuickSortDataArray(dataArray, hiSwap+1, hiBound, sortField, sortOrder)
    End If
End Sub
于 2008-11-06T14:04:38.427 回答

如果您要输出这些行,您可以通过 sort 命令运行输出。不优雅,但不需要太多工作:

cscript.exe //nologo YOUR-SCRIPT | Sort

注意//nologo省略了出现在排序输出中间的徽标行(Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version ... blah blah blah)。(我猜 MS 不知道 stderr 是干什么用的。)




于 2014-07-22T21:33:33.127 回答



Option Explicit

Public Function Array_AdvancedBubbleSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByVal rstr_SortOrder)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 12/09/1999
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Creates a sorted Array from a one dimensional array
'                       in Ascending (default) or Descending order based on the rstr_SortOrder.
'   Variables       :
'                   rarr_ArrayToSort()     The array to sort and return.
'                   rstr_SortOrder   The order to sort in, default ascending or D for descending.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_AdvancedBubbleSort"
    Dim bln_Sorted
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim str_SortOrder
    Dim str_Temp

    bln_Sorted = False
    str_SortOrder = Left(UCase(rstr_SortOrder), 1) 'We only need to know if the sort order is A(SENC) or D(ESEND)...and for that matter we really only need to know if it's D because we are defaulting to Ascending.
    Do While (bln_Sorted = False)
       bln_Sorted = True
        str_Temp = ""
        If (str_SortOrder = "D") Then
            'Sort in descending order.
            For lng_Loop_01 = LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) To (UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1)
                If (rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) < rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1)) Then
                    bln_Sorted = False
                    str_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1) = str_Temp
                End If
                If (rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1)) > rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01)) Then
                    bln_Sorted = False
                    str_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1))
                    rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1)) = rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01) = str_Temp
                End If
            'Default to Ascending.
            For lng_Loop_01 = LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) To (UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1)
                If (rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) > rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1)) Then
                    bln_Sorted = False
                    str_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01 + 1) = str_Temp
                End If
                If (rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1)) < rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01)) Then
                    bln_Sorted = False
                    str_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1))
                    rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - (lng_Loop_01 - 1)) = rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01)
                    rarr_ArrayToSort((UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) - lng_Loop_01) = str_Temp
                End If
        End If
End Function

Public Function Array_BubbleSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_BubbleSort"
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim lng_Loop_02
    Dim var_Temp

    For lng_Loop_01 = (UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) - 1) To 0 Step -1
        For lng_Loop_02 = 0 To lng_Loop_01
            If rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) > rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 + 1) Then
                var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 + 1)
                rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 + 1) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02)
                rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) = var_Temp
            End If
End Function

Public Function Array_GetDimensions(ByVal rarr_Array)
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_GetDimensions"
    Dim int_Dimensions
    Dim int_Result
    Dim str_Dimensions

    int_Result = 0
    If IsArray(rarr_Array) Then
        On Error Resume Next
            int_Dimensions = -2
            int_Dimensions = UBound(rarr_Array, int_Result + 1)
            If int_Dimensions > -2 Then
                int_Result = int_Result + 1
                If int_Result = 1 Then
                    str_Dimensions = str_Dimensions & int_Dimensions
                    str_Dimensions = str_Dimensions & ":" & int_Dimensions
                End If
            End If
        Loop Until int_Dimensions = -2
        On Error GoTo 0
    End If
    Array_GetDimensions = int_Result ' & ";" & str_Dimensions
End Function

Public Function Array_GetUniqueCombinations(ByVal rarr_Fields, ByRef robj_Combinations)
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_GetUniqueCombinations"
    Dim int_Element
    Dim str_Combination

    On Error Resume Next

    Array_GetUniqueCombinations = CBool(False)
    For int_Element = LBound(rarr_Fields) To UBound(rarr_Fields)
        str_Combination = rarr_Fields(int_Element)
        Call robj_Combinations.Add(robj_Combinations.Count & ":" & str_Combination, 0)
'        Call Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub(rarr_Fields, robj_Combinations, int_Element)
    Next 'int_Element
    For int_Element = LBound(rarr_Fields) To UBound(rarr_Fields)
        Call Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub(rarr_Fields, robj_Combinations, int_Element)
    Next 'int_Element
    Array_GetUniqueCombinations = CBool(True)
End Function 'Array_GetUniqueCombinations

Public Function Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub(ByVal rarr_Fields, ByRef robj_Combinations, ByRef rint_LBound)
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub"
    Dim int_Element
    Dim str_Combination

    On Error Resume Next

    Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub = CBool(False)
    str_Combination = rarr_Fields(rint_LBound)
    For int_Element = (rint_LBound + 1) To UBound(rarr_Fields)
        str_Combination = str_Combination & "," & rarr_Fields(int_Element)
        Call robj_Combinations.Add(robj_Combinations.Count & ":" & str_Combination, str_Combination)
    Next 'int_Element
    Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub = CBool(True)
End Function 'Array_GetUniqueCombinationsSub

Public Function Array_HeapSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_HeapSort"
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim var_Temp
    Dim arr_Size

    arr_Size = UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) + 1
    For lng_Loop_01 = ((arr_Size / 2) - 1) To 0 Step -1
        Call Array_SiftDown(rarr_ArrayToSort, lng_Loop_01, arr_Size)
    For lng_Loop_01 = (arr_Size - 1) To 1 Step -1
        var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(0)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(0) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) = var_Temp
        Call Array_SiftDown(rarr_ArrayToSort, 0, (lng_Loop_01 - 1))
End Function

Public Function Array_InsertionSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_InsertionSort"
    Dim lng_ElementCount
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim lng_Loop_02
    Dim lng_Index

    lng_ElementCount = UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) + 1
    For lng_Loop_01 = 1 To (lng_ElementCount - 1)
        lng_Index = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
        lng_Loop_02 = lng_Loop_01
        Do While lng_Loop_02 > 0
            If rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 - 1) > lng_Index Then
                rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02 - 1)
                lng_Loop_02 = (lng_Loop_02 - 1)
            End If
        rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) = lng_Index
End Function

Private Function Array_Merge(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByRef rarr_ArrayTemp(), ByVal rlng_Left, ByVal rlng_MiddleIndex, ByVal rlng_Right)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Merges an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_Merge"
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim lng_LeftEnd
    Dim lng_ElementCount
    Dim lng_TempPos

    lng_LeftEnd = (rlng_MiddleIndex - 1)
    lng_TempPos = rlng_Left
    lng_ElementCount = (rlng_Right - rlng_Left + 1)
    Do While (rlng_Left <= lng_LeftEnd) _
    And (rlng_MiddleIndex <= rlng_Right)
        If rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Left) <= rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_MiddleIndex) Then
            rarr_ArrayTemp(lng_TempPos) = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Left)
            lng_TempPos = (lng_TempPos + 1)
            rlng_Left = (rlng_Left + 1)
            rarr_ArrayTemp(lng_TempPos) = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_MiddleIndex)
            lng_TempPos = (lng_TempPos + 1)
            rlng_MiddleIndex = (rlng_MiddleIndex + 1)
        End If
    Do While rlng_Left <= lng_LeftEnd
        rarr_ArrayTemp(lng_TempPos) = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Left)
        rlng_Left = (rlng_Left + 1)
        lng_TempPos = (lng_TempPos + 1)
    Do While rlng_MiddleIndex <= rlng_Right
        rarr_ArrayTemp(lng_TempPos) = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_MiddleIndex)
        rlng_MiddleIndex = (rlng_MiddleIndex + 1)
        lng_TempPos = (lng_TempPos + 1)
    For lng_Loop_01 = 0 To (lng_ElementCount - 1)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Right) = rarr_ArrayTemp(rlng_Right)
        rlng_Right = (rlng_Right - 1)
End Function

Public Function Array_MergeSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByRef rarr_ArrayTemp(), ByVal rlng_FirstIndex, ByVal rlng_LastIndex)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   Note            :The rarr_ArrayTemp array that is passed in has to be dimensionalized to the same size
'                           as the rarr_ArrayToSort array that is passed in prior to calling the function.
'                           Also the rlng_FirstIndex variable should be the value of the LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
'                           and the rlng_LastIndex variable should be the value of the UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_MergeSort"
    Dim lng_MiddleIndex

    If rlng_LastIndex > rlng_FirstIndex Then
        ' Recursively sort the two halves of the list.
        lng_MiddleIndex = ((rlng_FirstIndex + rlng_LastIndex) / 2)
        Call Array_MergeSort(rarr_ArrayToSort, rarr_ArrayTemp, rlng_FirstIndex, lng_MiddleIndex)
        Call Array_MergeSort(rarr_ArrayToSort, rarr_ArrayTemp, lng_MiddleIndex + 1, rlng_LastIndex)
        '  Merge the results.
        Call Array_Merge(rarr_ArrayToSort, rarr_ArrayTemp, rlng_FirstIndex, lng_MiddleIndex + 1, rlng_LastIndex)
    End If
End Function

Public Function Array_Push(ByRef rarr_Array, ByVal rstr_Value, ByVal rstr_Delimiter)
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_Push"
    Dim int_Loop
    Dim str_Array_01
    Dim str_Array_02

    'If there is no delimiter passed in then set the default delimiter equal to a comma.
    If rstr_Delimiter = "" Then
        rstr_Delimiter = ","
    End If

    'Check to see if the rarr_Array is actually an Array.
    If IsArray(rarr_Array) = True Then
        'Verify that the rarr_Array variable is only a one dimensional array.
        If Array_GetDimensions(rarr_Array) <> 1 Then
            Array_Push = "ERR, the rarr_Array variable passed in was not a one dimensional array."
            Exit Function
        End If
        If IsArray(rstr_Value) = True Then
            'Verify that the rstr_Value variable is is only a one dimensional array.
            If Array_GetDimensions(rstr_Value) <> 1 Then
                Array_Push = "ERR, the rstr_Value variable passed in was not a one dimensional array."
                Exit Function
            End If
            str_Array_01 = Split(rarr_Array, rstr_Delimiter)
            str_Array_02 = Split(rstr_Value, rstr_Delimiter)
            rarr_Array = Join(str_Array_01 & rstr_Delimiter & str_Array_02)
            On Error Resume Next
            ReDim Preserve rarr_Array(UBound(rarr_Array) + 1)
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then ' "Subscript out of range"  An array that was passed in must have been Erased to re-create it with new elements (possibly when passing an array to be populated into a recursive function)
                ReDim rarr_Array(0)
            End If
            If IsObject(rstr_Value) = True Then
                Set rarr_Array(UBound(rarr_Array)) = rstr_Value
                rarr_Array(UBound(rarr_Array)) = rstr_Value
            End If
        End If
        'Check to see if the rstr_Value is an Array.
        If IsArray(rstr_Value) = True Then
            'Verify that the rstr_Value variable is is only a one dimensional array.
            If Array_GetDimensions(rstr_Value) <> 1 Then
                Array_Push = "ERR, the rstr_Value variable passed in was not a one dimensional array."
                Exit Function
            End If
            rarr_Array = rstr_Value
            rarr_Array = Split(rstr_Value, rstr_Delimiter)
        End If
    End If
    Array_Push = UBound(rarr_Array)
End Function

Public Function Array_QuickSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByVal rlng_Low, ByVal rlng_High)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   Note            :The rlng_Low variable should be the value of the LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
'                           and the rlng_High variable should be the value of the UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_QuickSort"
    Dim var_Pivot
    Dim lng_Swap
    Dim lng_Low
    Dim lng_High

    lng_Low = rlng_Low
    lng_High = rlng_High
    var_Pivot = rarr_ArrayToSort((rlng_Low + rlng_High) / 2)
    Do While lng_Low <= lng_High
        Do While (rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Low) < var_Pivot _
        And lng_Low < rlng_High)
            lng_Low = lng_Low + 1
        Do While (var_Pivot < rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_High) _
        And lng_High > rlng_Low)
            lng_High = (lng_High - 1)
        If lng_Low <= lng_High Then
            lng_Swap = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Low)
            rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Low) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_High)
            rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_High) = lng_Swap
            lng_Low = (lng_Low + 1)
            lng_High = (lng_High - 1)
        End If
    If rlng_Low < lng_High Then
        Call Array_QuickSort(rarr_ArrayToSort, rlng_Low, lng_High)
    End If
    If lng_Low < rlng_High Then
        Call Array_QuickSort(rarr_ArrayToSort, lng_Low, rlng_High)
    End If
End Function

Public Function Array_SelectionSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_SelectionSort"
    Dim lng_ElementCount
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim lng_Loop_02
    Dim lng_Min
    Dim var_Temp

    lng_ElementCount = UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort) + 1
    For lng_Loop_01 = 0 To (lng_ElementCount - 2)
        lng_Min = lng_Loop_01
        For lng_Loop_02 = (lng_Loop_01 + 1) To lng_ElementCount - 1
            If rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_02) < rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Min) Then
            lng_Min = lng_Loop_02
            End If
        var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Min)
        rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Min) = var_Temp
End Function

Public Function Array_ShellSort(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort())
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sorts an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_ShellSort"
    Dim lng_Loop_01
    Dim var_Temp
    Dim lng_Hold
    Dim lng_HValue

    lng_HValue = LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
        lng_HValue = (3 * lng_HValue + 1)
    Loop Until lng_HValue > UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
        lng_HValue = (lng_HValue / 3)
        For lng_Loop_01 = (lng_HValue + LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)) To UBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
            var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Loop_01)
            lng_Hold = lng_Loop_01
            Do While rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Hold - lng_HValue) > var_Temp
                rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Hold) = rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Hold - lng_HValue)
                lng_Hold = (lng_Hold - lng_HValue)
                If lng_Hold < lng_HValue Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
            rarr_ArrayToSort(lng_Hold) = var_Temp
    Loop Until lng_HValue = LBound(rarr_ArrayToSort)
End Function

Private Function Array_SiftDown(ByRef rarr_ArrayToSort(), ByVal rlng_Root, ByVal rlng_Bottom)
'   ==================================================================================
'   Date            : 03/18/2008
'   Author          : Christopher J. Scharer (CJS)
'   Description     : Sifts the elements down in an array.
'   ==================================================================================
    Const const_FUNCTION_NAME = "Array_SiftDown"
    Dim bln_Done
    Dim max_Child
    Dim var_Temp

    bln_Done = False
    Do While ((rlng_Root * 2) <= rlng_Bottom) _
    And bln_Done = False
        If rlng_Root * 2 = rlng_Bottom Then
            max_Child = (rlng_Root * 2)
        ElseIf rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root * 2) > rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root * 2 + 1) Then
            max_Child = (rlng_Root * 2)
            max_Child = (rlng_Root * 2 + 1)
        End If
        If rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root) < rarr_ArrayToSort(max_Child) Then
            var_Temp = rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root)
            rarr_ArrayToSort(rlng_Root) = rarr_ArrayToSort(max_Child)
            rarr_ArrayToSort(max_Child) = var_Temp
            rlng_Root = max_Child
            bln_Done = True
        End If
End Function
于 2014-12-12T05:08:45.577 回答

这是快速排序的另一个 vbscript 实现。这是维基百科中定义的就地、不稳定的方法(参见此处:http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort )。使用更少的内存(原始实现需要在每次迭代时创建上下临时存储数组,在最坏的情况下可以将内存大小增加 n 项)。


如果要对字符进行排序,请使用 Asc(ch) 函数。

 '  quicksort
 '    Carlos Nunez, created: 25 April, 2010.
 '  NOTE:   partition function also
 '          required
function qsort(list, first, last)
    Dim i, j
    if (typeName(list) <> "Variant()" or ubound(list) = 0) then exit function       'list passed must be a collection or array.

    'if the set size is less than 3, we can do a simple comparison sort.
    if (last-first) < 3 then
        for i = first to last
            for j = first to last
                if list(i) < list(j) then
                    swap list,i,j
                end if
        dim p_idx

        'we need to set the pivot relative to the position of the subset currently being sorted.
        'if the starting position of the subset is the first element of the whole set, then the pivot is the median of the subset.
        'otherwise, the median is offset by the first position of the subset.
        if first-1 < 0 then
            p_idx   = round((last-first)/2,0)
            p_idx   = round(((first-1)+((last-first)/2)),0)
        end if

        dim p_nidx:     p_nidx  = partition(list, first, last, p_idx)
        if p_nidx = -1 then exit function

        qsort list, first, p_nidx-1
        qsort list, p_nidx+1, last
    end if
end function

function partition(list, first, last, idx)
    Dim i
    partition = -1

    dim p_val:      p_val = list(idx)
    swap list,idx,last
    dim swap_pos:   swap_pos = first
    for i = first to last-1 
        if list(i) <= p_val then
            swap list,i,swap_pos
            swap_pos = swap_pos + 1
        end if
    swap list,swap_pos,last

    partition = swap_pos
end function

function swap(list,a_pos,b_pos)
    dim tmp
    tmp = list(a_pos)
    list(a_pos) = list(b_pos)
    list(b_pos) = tmp   
end function
于 2011-04-25T15:27:51.117 回答

这是合并排序的 vbscript 实现。

'@Function Name: Sort
'@Author: Lewis Gordon
'@Creation Date: 4/26/12
'@Description: Sorts a given array either in ascending or descending order, as specified by the
'                order parameter.  This array is then returned at the end of the function.
'@Prerequisites:  An array must be allocated and have all its values inputted.
'    $ArrayToSort:  This is the array that is being sorted.
'    $Order:  This is the sorting order that the array will be sorted in.  This parameter 
'                can either    be "ASC" or "DESC" or ascending and descending, respectively.
'@Notes:  This uses merge sort under the hood.  Also, this function has only been tested for
'            integers and strings in the array.  However, this should work for any data type that
'            implements the greater than and less than comparators.  This function also requires
'            that the merge function is also present, as it is needed to complete the sort.
'    Dim i
'    Dim TestArray(50)
'    Randomize
'    For i=0 to UBound(TestArray)
'        TestArray(i) = Int((100 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
'    Next
'    MsgBox Join(Sort(TestArray, "DESC"))
'@Return value:  This function returns a sorted array in the specified order.
'@Change History: None

'The merge function.
Public Function Merge(LeftArray, RightArray, Order)
    'Declared variables
    Dim FinalArray
    Dim FinalArraySize
    Dim i
    Dim LArrayPosition
    Dim RArrayPosition

    'Variable initialization
    LArrayPosition = 0
    RArrayPosition = 0

    'Calculate the expected size of the array based on the two smaller arrays.
    FinalArraySize = UBound(LeftArray) + UBound(RightArray) + 1
    ReDim FinalArray(FinalArraySize)

    'This should go until we need to exit the function.
    While True

        'If we are done with all the values in the left array.  Add the rest of the right array
        'to the final array.
        If LArrayPosition >= UBound(LeftArray)+1 Then
            For i=RArrayPosition To UBound(RightArray)
                FinalArray(LArrayPosition+i) = RightArray(i)
            Merge = FinalArray
            Exit Function

        'If we are done with all the values in the right array.  Add the rest of the left array
        'to the final array.
        ElseIf RArrayPosition >= UBound(RightArray)+1 Then
            For i=LArrayPosition To UBound(LeftArray)
                FinalArray(i+RArrayPosition) = LeftArray(i)
            Merge = FinalArray
            Exit Function

        'For descending, if the current value of the left array is greater than the right array 
        'then add it to the final array.  The position of the left array will then be incremented
        'by one.
        ElseIf LeftArray(LArrayPosition) > RightArray(RArrayPosition) And UCase(Order) = "DESC" Then
            FinalArray(LArrayPosition+RArrayPosition) = LeftArray(LArrayPosition)
            LArrayPosition = LArrayPosition + 1

        'For ascending, if the current value of the left array is less than the right array 
        'then add it to the final array.  The position of the left array will then be incremented
        'by one.
        ElseIf LeftArray(LArrayPosition) < RightArray(RArrayPosition) And UCase(Order) = "ASC" Then
            FinalArray(LArrayPosition+RArrayPosition) = LeftArray(LArrayPosition)
            LArrayPosition = LArrayPosition + 1

        'For anything else that wasn't covered, add the current value of the right array to the
        'final array.
            FinalArray(LArrayPosition+RArrayPosition) = RightArray(RArrayPosition)
            RArrayPosition = RArrayPosition + 1
        End If
End Function

'The main sort function.
Public Function Sort(ArrayToSort, Order)
    'Variable declaration.
    Dim i
    Dim LeftArray
    Dim Modifier
    Dim RightArray

    'Check to make sure the order parameter is okay.
    If Not UCase(Order)="ASC" And Not UCase(Order)="DESC" Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    'If the array is a singleton or 0 then it is sorted.
    If UBound(ArrayToSort) <= 0 Then
        Sort = ArrayToSort
        Exit Function
    End If

    'Setting up the modifier to help us split the array effectively since the round
    'functions aren't helpful in VBScript.
    If UBound(ArrayToSort) Mod 2 = 0 Then
        Modifier = 1
        Modifier = 0
    End If

    'Setup the arrays to about half the size of the main array.
    ReDim LeftArray(Fix(UBound(ArrayToSort)/2))
    ReDim RightArray(Fix(UBound(ArrayToSort)/2)-Modifier)

    'Add the first half of the values to one array.
    For i=0 To UBound(LeftArray)
        LeftArray(i) = ArrayToSort(i)

    'Add the other half of the values to the other array.
    For i=0 To UBound(RightArray)
        RightArray(i) = ArrayToSort(i+Fix(UBound(ArrayToSort)/2)+1)

    'Merge the sorted arrays.
    Sort = Merge(Sort(LeftArray, Order), Sort(RightArray, Order), Order)
End Function
于 2012-04-27T12:59:02.433 回答



您可以自由地将服务器端 javascript 与 VBScript 混合使用,因此只要 VBScript 不足,就切换到 javascript。

于 2008-11-06T13:21:36.530 回答

VBScript 没有对数组进行排序的方法,因此您有两种选择:

于 2008-11-06T13:24:45.620 回答


用 0,1,2,3,..uBound(arr) 初始化 ptr_arr 然后用




并且只是交换 ptr_arr 的元素而不是交换行。

如果您正在逐行处理数组,例如将其显示为 a ,则可以从内部循环中查看:

response.write "<table>"
for n = 0 to uBound(arr,2)
  response.write "<tr>"
  for i=0 to max_col
    response.write "<td>"&arr(i,row)&"</td>"
  response.write "</tr>
response.write "</table>" 
于 2013-06-28T07:41:16.813 回答

一个古老但仍然被问到的问题。人们发布了指向该解决方案的链接,但现在已损坏,因此我发布了一个示例: 您可以使用 ScriptControl 访问 JScript 的数组排序 您可以提供自己的 jscript 排序功能。不幸的是,它仅适用于 32 位版本的 wsh...

a=split("this is a javascript array sort demo"," ")

wscript.echo vbcrlf & "alphabeticaly"&vbcrlf
for each i in a
  wscript.echo i
wscript.echo vbcrlf & "by length"&vbcrlf
for each i in a
  wscript.echo i

function sort(a)
with createobject("ScriptControl")
    .Language = "JScript"
    .AddCode "function sortvbs(a) {return a.toArray().sort().join('\b')}"
     sort= split(.Run("sortvbs",a),chr(8))
 End With
end function

function sortbylength(a)
with createobject("ScriptControl")
    .Language = "JScript"
    .AddCode "function lensort(a,b){return((('' + a).length > ('' + b).length) ? 1 : ((('' + a).length < ('' + b).length) ? -1 : 0))}" 
    .Addcode "function sortvbs(a) {return a.toArray().sort(lensort).join('\b')}"
     sortbylength= split(.Run("sortvbs",a),chr(8))
 End With
end function
于 2021-11-29T09:16:31.493 回答

实际上,我昨天只需要做一些类似的事情,但使用的是 2D 数组。我对 vbscript 的速度并没有那么快,这个过程真的让我陷入了困境。我发现这里的文章写得很好,让我走上了用 vbscript 排序的道路。

于 2008-11-06T13:55:18.897 回答