当我尝试将文档添加到我的 couchdb 时,我收到以下错误:
{case_clause, {[{<<"error">>, <<"invalid value">>}, {<<"reason">>, [<<"you need to give the ticket a ticketnumber">>]}]}}}
我的 validate_doc_update 方法如下所示:
function (newDoc, oldDoc, usrCtx) {
var error = { reason: [], error: '' }
switch (newDoc.type) {
case 'application':
if (!newDoc.name) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the application a name")
case 'client':
if (!newDoc.name) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the client a name")
case 'department':
if (!newDoc.name) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the department a name")
case 'release':
if (!newDoc.name) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the release a name")
case 'ticket':
if (!newDoc.ticketnumber) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the ticket a ticketnumber")
if (!newDoc.description) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the ticket a description")
if (newDoc.priority && !/\d*[,|.]\d*/.test(newDoc.priority)) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("the priority is invalid")
if (!newDoc.minutesperweek) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the ticket a impact in minutes per week")
} else if (!/\d*[,|.]?\d*/.test(newDoc.minutesperweek)) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("the impact in minutes per week is invalid")
if (!newDoc.ordervolume) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the ticket a impact in orders per week")
} else if (!/\d*/.test(newDoc.ordervolume)) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("the impact in orders per week is invalid")
case 'worker':
if (!newDoc.firstname) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the worker a firstname")
if (!newDoc.lastname) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the worker a lastname")
if (!newDoc.emailaddress) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("\r\nyou need to give the worker an emailaddress")
} else if (!/^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test(newDoc.emailaddress)) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("the emailaddress is invalid")
if (!newDoc.phonenumber) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("you need to give the worker a phonenumber")
} else if (!/\d/g.test(newDoc.phonenumber)) {
error.error = "invalid value"
error.reason.push("the phonenumber is invalid")
if (error.error != '') {
throw { 'error': error.error, 'reason': error.reason }
{ 'error': 'Invalid value', 'reason': 'you need to give the ticket a ticketnumber' }
如果重要的话,我会使用 cradle 和 node.js。