It does not look like there is an API to do this within the app, so let us assume the phone is rooted. I don't have any experience working with rooted phones, but here's what I've come up with so far:

The wpa_supplicant.conf file seems to be able to handle what I need. There is a parameter that can be included there, called p2p_oper_channel, which can be set to 1/6/11/whatever that forces the channel to be that, when wpa_supplicant is run.

I also found the p2p_connect command, which takes as a parameter the frequency of the channel.

Currently, the application I have is all built using the ADK and supports sending/receiving a text using multicast, to several phones, using WiFi direct. But they're all on the same channel.

Can anyone tell me how I can use one/both of the above 2 points to set up one Android phone (master) to deliver a message to the others (slaves) on WiFi Direct, with each connected to the master on a different channel? (I assume we would do this using the fact that the phone is rooted but I'm not sure as I have no experience with this). I'm using multicast. The reason I want each on a channel is to minimize interference.

Furthermore, is it even possible to open several connections with different devices, each on a different channel, using the same WiFi chip?


1 回答 1


要更改设备的 Wifi Direct 频道,您需要执行以下操作: 1- 根您的手机 2- 下载任何文件管理器应用程序:例如 ES 文件资源管理器 3- 在 ES 文件资源管理器中,转到工具,然后打开根资源管理器并单击它,然后安装 RW 4- 使用 ES 文件资源管理器,转到设备 -> 数据 -> 杂项 -> Wifi -> p2p_supplicant.conf 并将 p2p_oper_channel 更改为您想要的任何频道。5-关闭手机的Wifi,然后将其打开以进行更改。

您应该注意,为了让 Wifi 直接通道成为您设置的通道,当 wifi 直接连接开始时,手机不需要连接到任何接入点。此外,通常当电话 A 通过 wifi 直接连接到电话 B 时,连接在电话 B 的通道上运行。


于 2015-01-09T22:42:32.077 回答