The default inheritance method for Mongoid is creating a single collection for all subclasses. For instance:
class User
include Mongoid::Document
class Admin < User
class Guest < User
Internally, Mongoid adds a _type
field to each document with the class name, which is used to automatically map each instance to the right class.
The problem is, if I have a document in this collection with an unknown _type
value, I get an exception:
NameError: uninitialized constant UnknownClass
This can happen if you create a new subclass of User
, in the example above, and a migration that creates a new instance of this new subclass. Until you restart your servers, every query to this collection (like User.all.to_a
). Is there a safe way to avoid this error?
The only solution I came up is rescuing NameError
exception and querying by all known subclasses:
class User
def self.some_query(params)
rescue NameError => e
Rails.logger.error "Unknown subclass: #{e.message}"
subtypes =
self.where(params.merge( => subtypes)).to_a