如果每次运行脚本时您的 python 运行时环境都相同,请尝试将初始化移动到异常处理程序。像这样:
velocity_x = (velocity_x * -1)
velocity_x = 0.09
__main__.velocity_x = (velocity_x * -1)
__main__.velocity_x = 0.09
如果这不起作用,您将需要一些轻量级的内置工具,例如 sqlite3 模块。我重写了你的整个代码片段:
import sqlite3
#The current location of the object
loc_x = obj.getPosition()[0]
loc_y = obj.getPosition()[1]
c = sqlite3.connect('/tmp/globals.db')
#c = sqlite3.connect('/dev/shm/globals.db')
# Using the commented connection line above instead will be
# faster on Linux. But it will not persist beyond a reboot.
# Both statements create the database if it doesn't exist.
# This will auto commit on exiting this context
with c:
# Creates table if it doesn't exist
c.execute('''create table if not exist vectors
(vector_name text primary key not null,
vector_value float not null,
unique (vector_name))''')
# Try to retrieve the value from the vectors table.
c.execute('''select * from vectors''')
vector_count = 0
for vector in c:
vector_count = vector_count + 1
# sqlite3 always returns unicode strings
if vector['vector_name'] == u'x':
vector_x = vector['vector_value']
elif vector['vector_name'] == u'y':
vector_y = vector['vector_value']
# This is a shortcut to avoid exception logic
# Change the count to match the number of vectors
if vector_count != 2:
vector_x = 0.09
vector_y = 0.03
# Insert default x vector. Should only have to do this once
with c:
c.executemany("""replace into stocks values
(?, ?)""", [('x', vector_x), ('y', vector_y)])
#If the location of the object is over 5, bounce off.
if loc_x > 5:
velocity_x = (velocity_x * -1)
if loc_y > 5:
velocity_y = (velocity_y * -1)
# Update stored vectors every time through the loop
with c:
c.executemany("""update or replace stocks set vector_name = ?,
vector_value = ?)""", [('x', vector_x), ('y', vector_y)])
#Every frame set the object's position to the old position plus the velocity
obj.setPosition([(loc_x + velocity_x),(loc_y + velocity_y),0])
# We can also close the connection if we are done with it