我正在创建一个 matplotlib 动画,该动画贯穿文件中的一系列图像。我正在可视化的文件通常非常大,并且每个图像堆栈都有很长的加载时间(约 5 秒)。通过使用多处理错开加载过程,我设法让动画顺利运行,但我无法将动画保存为视频文件。
from matplotlib import animation
import pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import logging
logger = mp.log_to_stderr(logging.INFO)
import time
def qloader(queue, threshold=100, nfiles=3):
'''trigger a load process if number of items in queue drops below threshold'''
while nfiles:
if queue.qsize() < threshold:
logger.info( 'qsize {}'.format(queue.qsize()) )
time.sleep( 1 ) #pretend to load data
data = np.random.rand(25,100,100)
logger.info( 'Adding data to queue' )
for d in data:
logger.info( 'Done adding data!' )
nfiles -= 1
queue.put( None ) #sentinal
def update(frame, im, queue):
'''update the image'''
logger.info( 'Updating frame %d'%frame )
data = queue.get()
if data is None:
print( 'Queue is empty!' )
im.set_data( data )
return im
#create data queue
mgr = mp.Manager()
queue = mgr.Queue()
threshold = 20 #
#start load process
p = mp.Process( name='loader', target=qloader, args=(queue, threshold) )
#start animation
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.imshow( np.random.rand(100,100) )
ani = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, update, frames=75, interval=100, repeat=0, fargs=(im, queue) )
ani.save('foo.mp4', 'ffmpeg')
代码运行没有错误,但它生成的文件以某种方式损坏。当我尝试用 vlc 查看它时,我得到一个长长的重复错误流......
$ vlc foo.mp4
VLC media player 2.0.8 Twoflower (revision 2.0.8a-0-g68cf50b)
[0xf69108] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[0x7f37fcc01ac8] mp4 demux error: cannot find any /moov/trak
[0x7f37fcc01ac8] es demux error: cannot peek
[0x7f37fcc01ac8] ps demux error: cannot peek
[0x7f37fcc01ac8] mpgv demux error: cannot peek
[0x7f37fcc01ac8] mjpeg demux error: cannot peek
[0x7f37fcc01ac8] ps demux error: cannot peek
[0x7f3824000b78] main input error: no suitable demux module for `file/://.../foo.mp4'
用于加载数据时出现。如果我只是用 创建数据data = np.random.rand(75,100,100)
问题: 我如何matplotlib.animation
与 一起玩multiprocessing