I have built a simple webpage in PHP. I want to tell if users like my page (I placed a like button on it). It is not a Facebook app. I have seen this, but don't know how to use it with PHP. I don't know JavaScript at all. I tried pasting the code listed at the link into my page, but it didn't do anything useful.

A PHP solution would be preferable. I don't want to build a Facebook app, I just want to know if the Like button has been pressed.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Edit: Here's the link to my website, per answerer request: testingground.comyr.com


2 回答 2


这些 Edge 事件仅可用于检测用户是否现在单击了“赞”按钮,但您无法检查他是否已经喜欢您的页面。这只能通过应用程序实现,并且用户授权具有“user_likes”权限。


于 2013-09-22T17:31:41.637 回答

为什么不使用Facebook 开发人员参考文档?如果没有 API 访问权限,我认为不可能做到这一点。您应该如何访问随机用户喜欢的私有令牌?

于 2013-09-22T17:15:44.987 回答