Windows 8
WAMP 2.4 x86
Installed all those C++ lib packages saw in other posts
No error logged in either SQL / Apache error logs
Did not see any WAMP related service report in the windows event viewer
port 80 is NOT in use
Re-installed WAMP after install the packages
Received no error when try to click start serivice for mySQL,
but it will not start anyway,
since after I clicked it, the stop icon for mySQL is still grayed out.
and the main problem will be error message popup
when start apache service wamp could not execute menu item access is deined
在这一点上我很困惑,因为所有其他人都只有服务未启动的错误消息,但是在启动 Apache 时我也有访问被拒绝的错误。