我有一个函数,它接受经度和纬度并将其转换为要绘制的 x 和 y。转换为 X 和 Y 工作正常,这不是我遇到的问题。

我想确保两个点不会绘制在同一个地方。在一组结果中,大约有 30 个彼此重叠(因为它们具有相同的纬度和经度),这个数字可能要大得多。


代码是 Javascript,但它非常通用,所以我想它有点无关紧要。


var prevLong, prevLat, rand = 1, line = 1, spread = 8, i = 0;

function plot_points(long, lat){

    // CODE HERE TO CONVERT long and lat into x and y

    // System to not overlap the points 
    if((prevLat == lat) &&  (prevLong == long)) {

        if(rand==1) {
            x += spread*line;
        } else if(rand==2) {
            x -= spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==3) {
            y += spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==4) {
            y -= spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==5) {
            x += spread*line;
            y += spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==6) {
            x -= spread*line;
            y -= spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==7) {
            x += spread*line;
            y -= spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==8) {
            x -= spread*line;
            y += spread*line;
        // x = double
        }   else if(rand==9) {
            x += spread*line;
            y += spread;
        }   else if(rand==10) {
            x += spread;
            y += spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==11) {
            x -= spread*line;
            y -= spread;
        }   else if(rand==12) {
            x -= spread;
            y -= spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==13) {
            x += spread*line;
            y -= spread;
        }   else if(rand==14) {
            x += spread;
            y -= spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==15) {
            x += spread*line;
            y -= spread;
        }   else if(rand==16) {
            x += spread;
            y -= spread*line;
        } else if(rand==17) {
            x -= spread*line;
            y += spread;
        }   else if(rand==18) {
            x -= spread;
            y += spread*line;
        }   else if(rand==19) {
            x -= spread*line;
            y += spread;
        }   else if(rand==20) {
            x -= spread;
            y += spread*line;

        if(rand == 20) {rand = 1; line++; } else { rand++;  }
    } else {

        line = 1;
        i = 0; 


    prevLat = latitude;
    prevLong = longitude;

    return [x,y];






2 回答 2


首先对坐标进行分组。在最后一步之前,您的 long,lat -> x,y 转换可能是不必要的。一种方法是创建一个哈希映射,在其中存储每个长/纬度位置和每个位置的计数。

然后将每个 long,lat 位置转换为 ax,y 坐标并使用计数来决定如何渲染以 x,y 位置为中心但大小取决于点数的点。


var count = 30; // example
result = [];

var width = count/Math.sqrt(count);
width = Math.floor(width);
height = Math.floor(count/width);
var remain = count % width;

var i,j;

for(i = 0; i < width; i++)
  for(j = 0; j < height; j++)
    result.push([x-Math.floor(width/2)+i, y-Math.floor(height/2)+j]; 
for(i = 0; i < remain; i++)
  result.push([x-Math.floor(width/2)+i, y-Math.floor(height/2)+j];

输入是点数,x,y 中心坐标,输出是要渲染的点数组。

最后一行是剩余的点,例如一个 15 点的正方形渲染:

于 2010-04-16T18:20:16.953 回答

以 Ernelli 的解决方案为例,我设法使绘图正常工作。它似乎有点啰嗦,但它确实有效并且并不慢。

Ernelli 的解决方案在第二个 for 循环中有一个错误:

for(j = 0; i < height; i++)


for(j = 0; j < height; j++)

无论如何,这是我正在使用的代码并且正在运行。pointArray 是要绘制的所有元素的数组:

var countArray = new Array();

// Go through every point and group same co-ordinates together 
for (var i = pointArray.length-1; i > -1; i--) {
    if(pointArray[i] != undefined) 
        var found = 0;

        // Check if this point is already in array
        for (var j = countArray.length-1; j > -1; j--)
            if(countArray[j] != undefined)
                if((pointArray[i].getBBox().x == countArray[j]["x"]) && (pointArray[i].getBBox().y == countArray[j]["y"]))
                    found = 1;

        // The point is not in the array, so add it
        if(found != 1) 
            var index = countArray.length;
            countArray[index] = new Array();
            countArray[index]["x"] = pointArray[i].getBBox().x;
            countArray[index]["y"] = pointArray[i].getBBox().y;
            countArray[index]["points"] = new Array();


// For each co-ordinate
for (var j = countArray.length-1; j > -1; j--)
    if(countArray[j] != undefined)
        // If there is more than one point
        if(countArray[j]["points"].length > 1) {

            // Calculate the square points
            var count = countArray[j]["points"].length;
            var x = countArray[j]["x"];
            var y = countArray[j]["x"];
            result = [];

            var width = count/Math.sqrt(count);
            width = Math.floor(width);
            height = Math.floor(count/width);
            var remain = count % width;

            var i2,j2, xx, yy;
            var space = 8;
            for(i2 = 0; i2 < width*space; i2+=space)
              for(j2 = 0; j2 < height*space; j2+=space)
                result.push([(Math.floor(width/2)+i2), (Math.floor(height/2)+j2)]); 
            for(i2 = 0; i2 < remain*space; i2+=space)
              result.push([(Math.floor(width/2)+i2), (Math.floor(height/2)+j2)]);

            // Go through each point and then translate it to it's new position
            for (var jj = countArray[j]["points"].length-1; jj > -1; jj--)
                if(countArray[j]["points"][jj] != undefined)
                    if(result[jj] != undefined)
                        countArray[j]["points"][jj].translate(result[jj][0]-((width*8)/2), result[jj][1]-((height*8)/2))
        } // End if count more than 1
    } // End if undefined

请注意,这使用了许多raphael.js函数(例如 getBBox 和 translate)

于 2010-04-17T16:46:41.840 回答