我有一个操作 ggplot 对象的函数,通过将其转换为 grob 然后修改图层。我希望该函数返回一个 ggplot 对象而不是一个 grob。有没有一种简单的方法可以将 grob 转换回 gg?
P <- ggplot(iris) + geom_bar(aes(x=Species, y=Petal.Width), stat="identity")
G <- ggplotGrob(P)
... some manipulation to G ...
P2 <- inverse_of_ggplotGrob(G)
such that, we can continue to use basic ggplot syntax, ie
`P2 + ylab ("The Width of the Petal")`
为了回答评论中的问题,这里的动机是根据每个构面中标签名称的值以编程方式修改构面标签的颜色。下面的函数运行良好(基于上一个问题中 baptise 的输入)。
我希望 from 的返回值colorByGroup
是一个 ggplot 对象,而不仅仅是一个 grob。
get_grob_strips <- function(G, strips=grep(pattern="strip.*", G$layout$name)) {
if (inherits(G, "gg"))
G <- ggplotGrob(G)
if (!inherits(G, "gtable"))
stop ("G must be a gtable object or a gg object")
strip.type <- G$layout[strips, "name"]
## I know this works for a simple
strip.nms <- sapply(strips, function(i) {
data.table(grob_index=strips, type=strip.type, group=strip.nms)
refill <- function(strip, colour){
strip[["children"]][[1]][["gp"]][["fill"]] <- colour
colorByGroup <- function(P, colors, showWarnings=TRUE) {
## The names of colors should match to the groups in facet
G <- ggplotGrob(P)
DT.strips <- get_grob_strips(G)
groups <- names(colors)
if (is.null(groups) || !is.character(groups)) {
groups <- unique(DT.strips$group)
if (length(colors) < length(groups))
stop ("not enough colors specified")
colors <- colors[seq(groups)]
names(colors) <- groups
## 'groups' should match the 'group' in DT.strips, which came from the facet_name
matched_groups <- intersect(groups, DT.strips$group)
if (!length(matched_groups))
stop ("no groups match")
if (showWarnings) {
if (length(wh <- setdiff(groups, DT.strips$group)))
warning ("values in 'groups' but not a facet label: \n", paste(wh, colapse=", "))
if (length(wh <- setdiff(DT.strips$group, groups)))
warning ("values in facet label but not in 'groups': \n", paste(wh, colapse=", "))
## identify the indecies to the grob and the appropriate color
DT.strips[, color := colors[group]]
inds <- DT.strips[!is.na(color), grob_index]
cols <- DT.strips[!is.na(color), color]
## Fill in the appropriate colors, using refill()
G$grobs[inds] <- mapply(refill, strip = G$grobs[inds], colour = cols, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)