我在 Windows 上运行 snort 来嗅探单个界面。我想用 snort 嗅探两个接口,我了解到我为不同的接口触发了两次相同的命令。
c:\snort\bin\snort.exe /SERVICE /INSTALL -i 1 -lc:\snort\log -cc:\snort\etc\snort.conf
这将为 Snort 创建一个服务。那么,如何将 snort 作为多个接口的服务运行呢?
我在 Windows 上运行 snort 来嗅探单个界面。我想用 snort 嗅探两个接口,我了解到我为不同的接口触发了两次相同的命令。
c:\snort\bin\snort.exe /SERVICE /INSTALL -i 1 -lc:\snort\log -cc:\snort\etc\snort.conf
这将为 Snort 创建一个服务。那么,如何将 snort 作为多个接口的服务运行呢?
I'm not all that familiar with Snort on windows, but if you're able to do it, it should work similar to Linux. You would have to bridge the interfaces (windows 7 steps) and use the bridge with the -i. If you bridge your 2 interfaces and then run "snort -W" and see the bridge show up, you should just be able to use that to sniff on both interfaces. I have never tested this though, but in theory it should work.