I'm triying to access data stored in Cosmos by using javascript to create a web interface. I know there's a java code available to make query's with Hive. That code is shown below:

    private Connection getConnection(
      String ip, String port, String user, String password) {
   try {
      // dynamically load the Hive JDBC driver
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      return null;
   } // try catch

   try {
      // return a connection based on the Hive JDBC driver, default DB
      return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hive://" + ip + ":" +
         port + "/default?user=" + user + "&password=" + password);
   } catch (SQLException e) {
      return null;
   } // try catch
} // getConnection

    private void doQuery() {
   try {
      // from here on, everything is SQL!
      Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
      ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select column1,column2," +
         "otherColumns from mytable where column1='whatever' and " +
         "columns2 like '%whatever%'");

      // iterate on the result
      while (res.next()) {
         String column1 = res.getString(1);
         Integer column2 = res.getInteger(2);
         // whatever you want to do with this row, here
      } // while

      // close everything
      res.close(); stmt.close(); con.close();
   } catch (SQLException ex) {
   } // try catch
} // doQuery

I need to know how to implement that code in javascript, I know it's possible but I don't know how.



1 回答 1


从 Hive 0.13 开始,JavaScript 客户端可以使用Thrift 库在 Http 之上发送 Thrift RPC 消息。问题是 FIWARE LAB 中 Hive 的当前版本是 0.9,因此必须更新它。我们目前正在研究它,因为这也是基于 Wirecloud 的 Hive 客户端的要求。敬请关注!

于 2014-10-19T09:15:12.330 回答