我以前使用 Everyplay 在 iOS 上发布了一个应用程序。

目前正在更新应用程序以支持 iOS 8 和 iPhone 6。

该应用程序是使用 GLKit 的自定义 OpenGL 引擎。它已更新为支持原生分辨率并在 iPhone 6 plus 上以 1920x1080 运行。

在捕获期间,每 5 秒会出现一次警告消息:

-[EveryplayCapture encoderNewAudioSample:timestamp:asbd:frames:] error appending audio samples


[[Everyplay sharedInstance] playLastRecording];



Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11838 "Operation Stopped" UserInfo=0x16724f00 {NSLocalizedDescription=Operation Stopped, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The operation is not supported for this media.}

这个问题在我的 iPhone 5 上没有发生。


1 回答 1


Recording against the new iPhone 6 native resolutions causes issues with older SDKs, but then again there's always few things to fix when new iOS/Xcode major release combo gets out. :)

The first release capable of supporting the new iPhone 6 native resolutions is SDK 1.8.3/build 1830 (current is 1.8.4/1840), have you upgraded?

An all new videoplayer is planned to get released along the next major release, it should handle certain error cases better along along with new UI design

于 2014-10-12T15:27:36.733 回答