glazedlists在 java 中使用 JComboBox 来使 JComboBox 可搜索和可排序。但是有些情况我无法解决。

我有一个JComboBox附件glazedlists。glazedlists 采用字符串数组填充此组合框并使其可像这样搜索

String[] Values = {"ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL", "MNO"};
JComboBox cmb = new JComboBox();
AutoCompleteSupport.install(cmb , GlazedLists.eventListOf(Values));


class MyListRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer 
    public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
        Object[] itemData = (Object[])value;
        return this;
cmb.setRenderer(new MyListRenderer());

为了在 JComboBox 中增加价值,我必须

    int id=rs.getInt("company_id");
    String category=rs.getString("company_name");
    Object[] itemData = new Object[] {id, category};

现在如何在设置自己的自定义渲染器时实现我JComboBox的 with ?glazedlists


1 回答 1


你的方式没有任何成功,但我在早期的项目中找到了解决方案。您可以通过执行以下操作来设置 JComboBox 的模型:

//load the list of objects to use
ContainerClass[] allOptions = ContainerClass.getAll();

//create an EventList with this list and set is as the combobox model
final EventList<ContainerClass> eventList = GlazedLists.eventList(Arrays.asList(allOptions));
comboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel<ContainerClass>(allOptions));

//finally initialize the combobox by SwingUtilities if done on a non-UI thread
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        AutoCompleteSupport<ContainerClass> install = 
                AutoCompleteSupport.install(comboBox, eventList);

并使用 ContainerClass,例如:

class ContainerClass{
     int id;
     String company;

     //helper method to get all the objects needed
     static ContainerClass[] getAll(){
          ContainerClass test = new ContainerClass();
          test.id = 2;
          test.company = "abc";
          return new ContainerClass[]{test,test,test};

     //this String is what actually will be displayed in the combobox
     public String toString(){return "(" + id + ") " + company;}

我假设您的 JComboBox 具有以下类型:

JComboBox<ContainerClass> comboBox;


所以回顾一下。GlazedLists 使用模型来获取名称,它再次向ContainerClass询问它的 toString() 方法,该方法将返回名称以显示在 JComboBox 中。

请注意,当您调用comboBox.getSelectedItem()时,它将返回ContainerClass类型的对象,如果不是有效选择,则返回 null。


如果您希望能够控制顺序和名称,则需要为 ComboBox 实现自己的模型。发现似乎很好地解释了它:

class MyComboBoxModel extends AbstractListModel implements ComboBoxModel {   
  String[] ComputerComps = { "Monitor", "Key Board", "Mouse", "Joy Stick", 
                 "Modem", "CD ROM", "RAM Chip", "Diskette" };

  String selection = null;

  public Object getElementAt(int index) {
    return ComputerComps[index];   

  public int getSize() {
    return ComputerComps.length;   

  public void setSelectedItem(Object anItem) {
    selection = (String) anItem; // to select and register an   
  } // item from the pull-down list

  // Methods implemented from the interface ComboBoxModel   
  public Object getSelectedItem() {
       return selection; // to add the selection to the combo box   
于 2014-10-10T17:10:58.563 回答