Sorry if I wasn't able to put a better title to my question. I was debugging my program when I noticed something very interesting. The code is very straightforward. please follow my comments inline:

//my session class
class Session
  /// Constructor.
  Session(boost::asio::io_service &io_service)
    : socket_(io_service)

  boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket& socket()
    return socket_;

void async_read(/*...*/);
void async_write(/*...*/);
//blah blah
std::vector<char> inbound_data_;//<---note this variable, but don't mind it until i tell you
std::string outbound_data_;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket_;

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Session> session_ptr; //just for easy reading

//and this is my connection server class
class ConnectionServer {
void ConnectionServer::CreatSocketAndAccept() {
    session_ptr new_sess(new Session(io_service_));//<--I created a scope limited shared_ptr
    Print()<< "new_sess.use_count()= " << new_sess.use_count() << std::endl;//prints 1
    acceptor_.async_accept(new_sess->socket(),//<-used it for async connection acceptance
            boost::bind(&ConnectionServer::handle_accept, this,
                    boost::asio::placeholders::error, new_sess));
   Print()<< "new_sess.use_count()= " << new_sess.use_count() << std::endl;//prints 2
}//<-- Scope is ending. what happens to my new_sess? who keeps a copy of my session?

//and now the strangest thing:
void ConnectionServer::handle_accept(const boost::system::error_code& e, session_ptr sess) {
    if (!e) {

        Print()<< "sess.use_count()= " << sess.use_count() << std::endl;//prints 4 !!!! while I have never copied the session anywhere else in between
        Print() << "Connection Accepted" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Connection Refused" << std::endl;

I don't know who(in boost::asio) copies my shared_ptr internally and when it is going to release them all.

In fact, I noticed this situation when: My application runs to completion and at the time when containers full of nested shared_ptr ed objects are being cleaned up(automatically and not by me), I get a seg fault after ~Session() is called where program is trying to deal with a std::vector<char> (this is where I told you to remember in the beginning). I could see this through eclipse debugger.

I am not good in reading seg faults but I guess the program is trying to clear a vector that doesn't exist.

Sorry for the long question I value your time and appreciate your kind comments.

EDIT-1: I just modified my application to use raw pointers for creating new Session(s) rather than shared_ptr. The seg fault is gone if I dont delete the Session. So at least I am sure the cause of the seg fault is in Session .

EDIT-2: As I mentioned in my previous update, the problem occurs when I try to delete the session but every time the trace leading to the seg fault is different. sometimes this:

Basic Debug [C/C++ Application] 
    SimMobility_Short [10350] [cores: 0]    
        Thread [1] 10350 [core: 0] (Suspended : Signal : SIGSEGV:Segmentation fault)    
            malloc_consolidate() at malloc.c:4,246 0x7ffff5870e20   
            malloc_consolidate() at malloc.c:4,215 0x7ffff5871b19   
            _int_free() at malloc.c:4,146 0x7ffff5871b19    
            __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>::deallocate() at new_allocator.h:100 0xa4ab4a    
            std::_Vector_base<char, std::allocator<char> >::_M_deallocate() at stl_vector.h:175 0xab9508    
            std::_Vector_base<char, std::allocator<char> >::~_Vector_base() at stl_vector.h:161 0xabf8c7    
            std::vector<char, std::allocator<char> >::~vector() at stl_vector.h:404 0xabeca4    
            sim_mob::Session::~Session() at Session.hpp:35 0xabea8d 
            safe_delete_item<sim_mob::Session>() at LangHelpers.hpp:136 0xabef31    
            sim_mob::ConnectionHandler::~ConnectionHandler() at ConnectionHandler.cpp:40 0xabd7e6   
            <...more frames...> 

and some times this:

Basic Debug [C/C++ Application] 
    SimMobility_Short [10498] [cores: 1]    
        Thread [1] 10498 [core: 1] (Suspended : Signal : SIGSEGV:Segmentation fault)    
            _int_free() at malloc.c:4,076 0x7ffff5871674    
            std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() at 0x7ffff639d540   
            sim_mob::ConnectionHandler::~ConnectionHandler() at ConnectionHandler.cpp:30 0xabd806   
            boost::checked_delete<sim_mob::ConnectionHandler>() at checked_delete.hpp:34 0xadd482   
            boost::detail::sp_counted_impl_p<sim_mob::ConnectionHandler>::dispose() at sp_counted_impl.hpp:78 0xadd6a2  
            boost::detail::sp_counted_base::release() at sp_counted_base_gcc_x86.hpp:145 0x849d5e   
            boost::detail::shared_count::~shared_count() at shared_count.hpp:305 0x849dd7   
            boost::shared_ptr<sim_mob::ConnectionHandler>::~shared_ptr() at shared_ptr.hpp:164 0x84a668 
            sim_mob::ClientHandler::~ClientHandler() at ClientHandler.cpp:42 0xac726d   
            sim_mob::ClientHandler::~ClientHandler() at ClientHandler.cpp:45 0xac72da   
            <...more frames...> 

does it mean my memory is already corrupted? How can I do more checks? Thank you


4 回答 4



acceptor_.async_accept(new_sess->socket(),//<-used it for async connection acceptance
        boost::bind(&ConnectionServer::handle_accept, this,
                boost::asio::placeholders::error, new_sess));

async_accept 有一个(可选的)第二个参数 - 您在此处使用的完成函数。您正在使用 boost::bind 创建一个与完成函数声明匹配的函子。您正在将一个 new_sess 智能指针传递给该处理程序(这就是为什么在您离开范围时不会删除 smart_pointer 的原因)。

换句话说: async_accept 函数要么接受一个没有参数的仿函数,要么接受一个接受错误的仿函数。您现在可以创建一个使用该签名重载 operator() 的类。相反,您使用 boost::bind。Boost::bind 允许您在调用(内部)函数时或在通过调用 boost::bind 构造函子时提供参数。您在调用 boost::bind 时提供了一些参数 - 指向会话的智能指针。

这是 boost::asio 的常见模式。您将上下文传递给异步函数。当此函数检测到错误时,您需要做的就是离开该函数。然后上下文离开范围并将被删除。当没有检测到错误时,您将上下文(通过 boost::bind)传递给下一个异步函数,并且上下文将保持活动状态。

于 2013-06-17T05:20:51.827 回答


在内部,asio 会保留您(通过 boost::bind)的副本,shared_ptr直到它调用handle_accept. 这就是让你通过的shared_ptr开始。如果您没有将其添加为参数之一,那么它会在对象限定在您创建它的函数时立即清理它。


于 2013-06-17T05:21:03.543 回答

要(尝试)回答您的第二个问题:您似乎在会话上发出双重删除。这只有在您从原始指针创建第二个 scoped_ptr 时才有可能。这是你不应该做的事情。您是否将指向 session 的原始指针传递给任何函数,进而创建它的作用域 ptr?

您可以尝试让 Session 继承 enable_shared_from_this。这将解决问题,因为任何原始指针都使用相同的 scoped_ptr 计数器。但是您不应该将此视为真正的解决方案。真正的解决方法是消除多个 scope_ptr 实例。



于 2013-06-17T10:39:41.173 回答

如本答案所述,可以将共享指针与 Boost.Asio 的 async_* 函数一起使用。

根据调用堆栈和行为,看起来好像至少有一个资源被删除了两次。是否有可能Session同时通过原始指针和 a 进行管理shared_ptr


void ConnectionServer::CreatSocketAndAccept() {
  session_ptr new_sess(new Session(io_service_)); // shared pointer


safe_delete_item<sim_mob::Session>() // raw pointer

如果用ConnectionHandler管理,那么调用堆栈应该显示。此外,请注意不要从已由 a 管理的原始指针创建 a ,因为这将导致s 将资源作为两个不同的资源进行管理,从而导致双重删除:Sessionboost::shared_ptrboost::shared_ptr<sim_mob::Session>::~shared_ptr()shared_ptrshared_ptrshared_ptr

// p1 and p2 use the same reference count to manage the int.
boost::shared_ptr<int> p1(new int(42));
boost::shared_ptr<int> p2(p1); // good

// p3 uses a different reference count, causing int to be managed
// as if it was a different resource.
boost::shared_ptr<int> p3(p1.get()); // bad


于 2013-06-17T17:14:54.287 回答