I have a realm object with ~30 fields, after adding and removing several objects it seems that realm takes up quite a bit amount of space. The size of the allocated space seems to grow somewhat exponentially:
10*(add 100 + remove all) = 4 mb Data
15*(add 100 + remove all) = 33 mb Data
20*(add 100 + remove all) = 91 mb Data
25*(add 100 + remove all) = 179 mb Data
The file itself in data\data\app_folder\files\default.realm is 200 mb at this point.
Now this serious issue might be because i am not doing something properly. Before every insertion i do
Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(context);
// if i use realm.allObjects(RealmSubmission.class).clear(); the leak is even bigger, i get to 170mb Data with 20*(add 100 + remove all) even though both calls do the same by looking at their semantics.
Adding items into realm looks like this:
for (Submission submission : submissionList){
RealmSubmission realmSubmission = realm.createObject(RealmSubmission.class);
RealmObjectUtils.copySubmission(realmSubmission, submission);
Any ideas?