我一直在摆弄一个使用 MySQL 的 C++ 代码作为库的 Perl 项目。它使用名为 MakeMaker 的 Perl 库生成依赖于 MySQL 源的 G++ 兼容 Makefile。

以下代码是用于生成 Makefile(Github 上的源文件)的 Perl 代码:

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

use strict;

# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.

if ($ARGV[0] eq '') {
    print "Usage: perl Makefile.PL \"<MySQL source path>\"\n";
    exit 1;

my $mysql_path = $ARGV[0].'/';
my $check_file = $mysql_path."libmysqld/libmysqld.a";
if (! -e $check_file) {
    print "File $check_file does not exist: $!. Please try again.\n";
    exit 1;

my $makefile_path = $mysql_path.'/libmysql/Makefile';

my $libmysqld_path = $mysql_path.'/libmysqld/libmysqld.a';

if (! -e $libmysqld_path) {
    print "$libmysqld_path does not exist. Did you run ./configure --with-embedded-server && make ? \n";
    exit 1;

# CCFLAGS must be taken from the flags used to compile libmysqld. The reason for that is that if the flags are not
# identical, the THD class behaves differently in libmysqld than it does in my_parse_cc.cc, namely, the thd->command
# member is located in a different place in memory. No attempt was made to determine which compile flag causes this behavoir.
# Also, if we compile our stuff with DDEBUG and libmysqld.so is not compiled with DDEBUG, crap will result.

my $ccflags = `grep "^CXXFLAGS =" $makefile_path`;

$ccflags =~ s{^CXXFLAGS = }{}sio;
$ccflags =~ s{[\r\n\t]}{}sio;
print "CCFLAGS = $ccflags\n";

my $libs = '-L'.$mysql_path.'/libmysql -L'.$mysql_path.'/libmysqld -lmysqld -lz -lpthread -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -lpthread -lc -lnss_files -lnss_dns -lresolv -lc -lnss_files -lnss_dns -lresolv -lrt';

print "LIBS = $libs\n";

    NAME        => 'DBIx::MyParse',
    VERSION_FROM    => 'lib/DBIx/MyParse.pm', # finds $VERSION
    ABSTRACT_FROM   => 'lib/DBIx/MyParse.pm',
    AUTHOR      => 'Philip Stoev <philip@stoev.org>',
    LIBS            => qq{-L$mysql_path/libmysqld -L$mysql_path/libmysql -lmysqld -lz }.$libs,
    'INC'       => qq{-I. -I$mysql_path -I$mysql_path/sql -I$mysql_path/include -I$mysql_path/regex},

    OBJECT      => 'my_enum.o my_define.o my_parse_c.o my_parse_cc.o MyParse.o',
    LD      => 'g++',
    CC      => 'g++',
    depend => {
    'my_parse_cc.cc' => 'my_parse.h',
    'my_parse_cc.cc' => 'my_define.h',
    'my_parse_cc.cc' => 'my_enum.h',
    'my_enum.o' => 'my_enum.c',
    'my_enum.o' => 'my_enum.h',
    'my_enum.0' => ' my_parse.h',
    'my_define.o' => 'my_define.h',
    'my_define.o' => 'my_define.c',
    'my_define.o' => 'my_parse.h',

    'my_enum.h' => "parse_enum.pl
    perl parse_enum.pl $mysql_path
    'my_enum_priv.h' => "parse_enum.pl
    perl parse_enum.pl $mysql_path
    'my_define.h' => "parse_define.pl
    perl parse_define.pl $mysql_path
    'my_define.c' => "parse_define.pl
    perl parse_define.pl $mysql_path
    'my_enum.c' => "parse_define.pl
    perl parse_enum.pl $mysql_path
    clean => 
      {FILES => "my_enum_priv.h my_enum.h my_define.h my_define.c my_enum.c"}


我现在想让这个项目发展并使用 MariaDB 而不是 MySQL。然而 MariaDB 是使用 cmake 编译的,而不是 g++。因此,我不能再将 MakeMaker 用于 MariaDB。我想知道是否有类似的工具可用于使用 cmake 编译的源代码。如果存在这种情况,另一种选择是以另一种方式将 Perl 项目链接到 MySQL 源代码。

编辑:到目前为止,我还没有尝试过任何东西,因为我不知道 Perl 中是否存在这样的工具(我在 Web 上没有找到它的任何踪迹,但我可能没有正确的关键字)。如果没有,我怎样才能实现我最初的目标,即在 Perl 或 C++ 代码中使用 MariaDB 源代码,就像使用 MySQL 和之前的代码一样?


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