I'm trying to get the following to pull some data from IB (Nasdaq 100 e-mini futures options data). I am using the snapShot callback (included below). Could someone tell me what is wrong with my code?
tws <- twsConnect()
test3<- twsFOP("NQ","GLOBEX",expiry="20141121",strike="4000",right="C")
test4 <- reqMktData(tws, test3, eventWrapper=eWrapper.data(length(1)),CALLBACK=snapShot)
Thanks a bunch. I've searched high and low online and found little documentation on twsFOP, besides the CRAN documentation which points to twsFuture. Snapshot call included below:
snapShot <- function (twsCon, eWrapper, timestamp, file, playback = 1, ...)
if (missing(eWrapper))
eWrapper <- eWrapper()
names(eWrapper$.Data$data) <- eWrapper$.Data$symbols
con <- twsCon[[1]]
if (inherits(twsCon, "twsPlayback")) {
sys.time <- NULL
while (TRUE) {
if (!is.null(timestamp)) {
last.time <- sys.time
sys.time <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(readBin(con,
character(), 2), collapse = " "), timestamp))
if (!is.null(last.time)) {
Sys.sleep((sys.time - last.time) * playback)
curMsg <- .Internal(readBin(con, "character",
1L, NA_integer_, TRUE, FALSE))
if (length(curMsg) < 1)
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, format(sys.time,
timestamp), file, ...)
else {
curMsg <- readBin(con, character(), 1)
if (length(curMsg) < 1)
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, timestamp,
file, ...)
if (curMsg == .twsIncomingMSG$REAL_TIME_BARS)
Sys.sleep(5 * playback)
else {
while (TRUE) {
socketSelect(list(con), FALSE, NULL)
curMsg <- .Internal(readBin(con, "character", 1L,
NA_integer_, TRUE, FALSE))
if (!is.null(timestamp)) {
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, format(Sys.time(),
timestamp), file, ...)
else {
processMsg(curMsg, con, eWrapper, timestamp,
file, ...)
if (!any(sapply(eWrapper$.Data$data, is.na)))
return(do.call(rbind, lapply(eWrapper$.Data$data,