I'm trying to compile and run the tooltip code from this tutorial. I obtained QtJambi from my package manager (the package is qtjambi-beta from AUR), which installed it into the directory /opt/qtjambi-beta/. In particular, the qtjambi-4.7.0.jar file is located at /opt/qtjambi-beta/qtjambi-linux64-community-4.7.0/qtjambi-4.7.0.jar.

Now, I made a folder called qtpractice and put the example in there under the name JambiApp.java. The code I put into it was exactly as follows (following the example I linked):

package qtpractice;

import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QApplication;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QWidget;

public class JambiApp extends QWidget {

     public JambiApp() {
        setToolTip("This is QWidget");
        resize(250, 150);
        move(300, 300);

    public static void main(String args[]){
        new JambiApp();

I compiled it with javac qtpractice/*.java -cp /opt/qtjambi-beta/qtjambi-linux64-community-4.7.0/qtjambi-4.7.0.jar, which worked fine. I then tried to execute it with java qtpractice.JambiApp, and I got the following error:

Error: Could not find or load main class qtpractice.JambiApp

EDIT: Based on some advice from the comments, I tried this command instead: java -cp /opt/qtjambi-beta/qtjambi-linux64-community-4.7.0/qtjambi-4.7.0.jar qtpractice.JambiApp . When I did this, I got the following error again:

Error: Could not find or load main class qtpractice.JambiApp

What did I miss? From what I can tell, I did everything necessary to make it execute.


1 回答 1


您需要在类路径中包含 Qt Jambi 需要的所有 jars。

这可以在 CLI 上使用类似的命令完成

java -cp /opt/qtjambi-beta/qtjambi-linux64-community-4.7.0/qtjambi-4.7.0.jar:/opt/qtjambi-beta/qtjambi-linux64-community-4.7.0/qtjambi-linux64-gcc-4.7.0.jar:. qtpractice.JambiApp

编译时,不需要存在本机 jar,因为本机库只是为了让 Jambi 类能够使用 Qt。

于 2014-09-30T15:02:07.833 回答