I am using ServiceStack.Text to deserialize json into a dynamic object.
I'm encountering an error when trying to deserialize the following json:
The json above is a string and this is how I am trying to deserialize it:
DynamicJson dyn = DynamicJson.Deserialize(json);
var response = dyn.response;
But I get an error saying: dyn does not contain a definition for 'response'
does return a type of ServiceStack.DynamicJson
with the following value (from debugger):
{"response_header":"{\n \"status\":0,\n \"QTime\":0,\n \"params\":{\n \"q\":\"*:*\",\n \"size\":\"0\",\n \"indent\":\"True\",\n \"start\":\"0\",\n \"wt\":\"json\",\n \"return-fields\":\"\"}}","response":"{\"numFound\":1,\"start\":0,\"docs\":[\n {\n \"id\":\"1\",\n \"title\":[\"test\"],\n \"_version_\":1480260331707039744}]\n }"} ServiceStack.DynamicJson
According to the answer here: Using ServiceStack.Text to deserialize a json string to object that's how its done, but what am I doing wrong here?