I'm trying to find the # users who did action A or action B on a monthly basis.
Table: User - id - "creationDate"
Table: action_A - user_id (= user.id) - "creationDate"
Table: action_B - user_id (= user.id) - "creationDate"
The general idea of what I was trying to do was that I'd find the list of users who did action A in Month X and the list of users who did action B in Month X, then count how many ids are there for every month based on a generate_series of monthly dates.
I tried the following, however, the query times out when running and I'm not sure if there's any way to optimize it (or if it is even correct).
SELECT monthseries."Month", count(*)
(SELECT to_char(DAY::date, 'YYYY-MM') AS "Month"
FROM generate_series('2014-01-01'::date, CURRENT_DATE, '1 month') DAY) monthseries
(SELECT to_char("creationDate", 'YYYY-MM') AS "Month",
FROM action_A) did_action_A ON monthseries."Month" = did_action_A."Month"
(SELECT to_char("creationDate", 'YYYY-MM') AS "Month",
FROM action_B) did_action_B ON monthseries."Month" = did_action_B."Month"
GROUP BY monthseries."Month"
Any comments/ help would be immensely helpful!