我试图了解 node.js 流中发生的事情的顺序。我正在运行的脚本需要一组名称/电子邮件对,在该集合上运行,为每个集合创建一个 couchdb 条目,然后生成一个 QR 码并将其插入到该 couchdb 条目中。
* This script takes a collection of names/emails and creates tickets for them.
// Connect to Couch.
var db = require('nano')('https://' + process.env.USER + ':' + process.env.PASS + '@' + process.env.COUCH);
// Load QR Generator.
var qr = require('qr-image');
// Who to email?
var people = [
{ name: 'Katie', email: 'katie@*****.com' },
{ name: 'Alex', email: 'alex@*****.com' },
{ name: 'Kelsey', email: 'kelsey@*****.com' }
var tix = 0;
// For Each preson in the above list,
people.forEach(function (person, index, array) {
// (1) assemble a grit-ticket doc for couch,
var ticket = {
"name": person.name,
"email": person.email,
"purchaser": "complimentary",
"type": "ticket"
// (2) insert that doc into CouchDB,
db.insert(ticket, function (error, doc, headers) {
if (error) return console.log("Couch Error: ", error, "Headers: ", headers);
// (3) make a QR code,
var code = qr.image('https://tedxgramercy.com/attendee?id=' + doc.id, { type: 'png' });
// (4) add that QR code to the doc,
code.pipe( db.attachment.insert(doc.id, 'qr-code.png', null, 'image/png', { rev: doc.rev }, function (err, reply) {
if (err) { return console.log("Couch image error: ", err) }
console.log("Couch image reply: ", reply);
}) );
code.on('end', function (error) {
if (error) { return console.log('QR Submition', [error]) }
tix += 1;
// (5) Report out success.
console.log(tix + " tickets created successfully.");
当我运行这个脚本(有 6 封电子邮件,而不仅仅是 3 封)时,我得到的是这样的:
$ node makeTix.js
1 tickets created successfully.
2 tickets created successfully.
3 tickets created successfully.
4 tickets created successfully.
5 tickets created successfully.
Couch image reply: { ok: true,
id: '8e15d0676ec8d9f686ebbd38237a',
rev: '2-f03610b92d3461fc9c167f2405e7a2d0' }
6 tickets created successfully.
Couch image reply: { ok: true,
id: '8e15d0676ec8d9f8f686ebbd3823806e',
rev: '2-eb0f676e4ed6f7203420a4864357e3f8' }
Couch image reply: { ok: true,
id: '8e15d0676ec8d9f8f686ebbd38236158',
rev: '2-038c68f6d57b1925c0353fca3b2d59c1' }
Couch image reply: { ok: true,
id: '8e15d0676ec8d9f8f686ebbd382364a7',
rev: '2-9a19a3cd4b8cff2ae2b38cf000dd0aaf' }
Couch image reply: { ok: true,
id: '8e15d0676ec8d9f8f686ebbd38236fb4',
rev: '2-40c0ccc77c07f470424958e6d6e88a9b' }
Couch image reply: { ok: true,
id: '8e15d0676ec8d9f8f686ebbd38236174',
rev: '2-ac78e326b9898d4a340228faa63167e1' }
我想了解的是为什么我以这种半错开的顺序获取日志,而不是一个“沙发图像回复”,然后是一个“成功创建 # 个票证”。
更新Ahhhh,我正在学习 :) 好的,所有的 forEach 函数都会立即触发。去节点!这是荒谬的。好吧,还有一个问题……
如果图像插入没有错误回复,我如何才能让“#票已成功发布”日志仅触发?我可以将 code.on('end') 放在 couchdb 回调中吗?不不,那是在管道内,这将是非常令人困惑的……我有点迷路了。