I'm trying to install nvm on Ubuntu 14.04 but it doesn't seem to use the version I specify. I installed following the tutorial here https://github.com/creationix/nvm and I've also tried the one here https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-node-js-with-nvm-node-version-manager-on-a-vps.
There are 2 node installations on my system already.
which node # => /usr/local/bin/node
node --version # => v0.11.13-pre
which nodejs # => /usr/bin/nodejs
nodejs --version # => v0.10.26
When I install nvm using the curl one liner they give you, and then use
nvm install 0.10.32
It creates an empty folder inside .nvm/v0.10.32 and .nvm/current symlinks to it. In addition the bin folder is also empty. This problem occurs if I install other versions of node. I suppose I could just clone a version of node into the folder its supposed to go in but idk if that's all I have to do. In addition, I'm not sure I know how to make my system use the nvm current (symlink from /usr/local/bin/node to .nvm/current ?) Without doing anything myself and only following the tutorial, node --version and nodejs --version never uses the version I specify with.
nvm use 0.10.32