我第一次广泛使用 Bison 语法。我有我的语法设置,和一个小测试套件来关联结果。


Reducing stack by rule 101 (line 613):
   $1 = nterm mathenv ()
-> $$ = nterm closedTerm ()
Stack now 0 5 3
Entering state 120
Reading a token: Next token is token ENDMATH ()
Reducing stack by rule 28 (line 517):
   $1 = nterm closedTerm ()
-> $$ = nterm compoundTerm ()
Stack now 0 5 3
Entering state 119
Reducing stack by rule 12 (line 333):
   $1 = nterm compoundTerm ()
-> $$ = nterm compoundTermList ()
Stack now 0 5 3
Entering state 198
Next token is token ENDMATH ()
Shifting token ENDMATH ()
Entering state 325

... continues to completion ...


Reducing stack by rule 101 (line 613):
   $1 = nterm mathenv ()
-> $$ = nterm closedTerm ()
Stack now 0 5 3
Entering state 120
Reading a token: Next token is token MN ()
Reducing stack by rule 28 (line 517):
   $1 = nterm closedTerm ()
-> $$ = nterm compoundTerm ()
Stack now 0 5 3
Entering state 119
Reducing stack by rule 12 (line 333):
   $1 = nterm compoundTerm ()
-> $$ = nterm compoundTermList ()
Stack now 0 5 3
Entering state 198
Next token is token MN ()
Shifting token MN ()
Entering state 11

... errors eventually ...

Now at end of input.
Line: 9 Error: syntax error at token 



State 0 conflicts: 3 shift/reduce
State 120 conflicts: 2 shift/reduce
State 127 conflicts: 2 shift/reduce
State 129 conflicts: 2 shift/reduce
State 154 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 207 conflicts: 3 shift/reduce
State 265 conflicts: 109 shift/reduce
State 266 conflicts: 109 shift/reduce
State 267 conflicts: 109 shift/reduce
State 268 conflicts: 109 shift/reduce
State 269 conflicts: 109 shift/reduce
State 342 conflicts: 2 shift/reduce
State 390 conflicts: 109 shift/reduce
State 391 conflicts: 109 shift/reduce
State 396 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 397 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce

消除所有这些冲突是否可取?请注意,状态 120 被列为有冲突,并且是发生此随机错误之前的状态。


1 回答 1


语法冲突意味着语法不是 LALR(1)。这可能是由于语法不明确,也可能是由于语法需要多个前瞻标记。每当您遇到冲突时,bison 通过根据您拥有的优先级指令选择可能的操作之一(移位或减少)来解决它。这导致解析器识别(解析)语法描述的语言的某些子集。



在您的情况下,最直接的问题似乎是在词法分析器中 - 在它返回令牌的情况下ENDMATH,在另一个情况下它返回MN。与您在 中看到的冲突相关的语法中也可能存在歧义或前瞻问题y.output,但这些问题乍一看似乎完全独立于词法分析器的问题。

于 2014-09-21T22:10:29.507 回答