我遇到了一些麻烦。我在 Business Catalyst 中工作,它存储用户提交的动态数据,并允许我以我需要的任何方式输出它。
我创建了一系列 Web 应用程序,它们协同工作以允许用户进行测验。目前我收到一条错误消息“未捕获的类型错误:无法读取未定义的属性 'questionText'”
- 用户提交带有测验/调查数据的表单。
- 他们被定向到一个新页面,该页面运行对他们的用户唯一的最新测验/调查提交的搜索。
- 数据在 div 内的页面上输出。
- 一个函数读取数据并相应地构建页面内容以显示正确的测验/调查结果。
提交的数据以以下格式输出。请注意,{tags} 是 Business Catalysts 输出动态信息的方式 - {tag} 将替换为页面上用户提交的数据。另请注意,我只显示了 3 个问题的数据,总共最多 15 个。
var quizSurvey = "{tag_quiz/survey}";
var w = window.innerWidth;
function Question(questionNumber, questionText, answerType, answerA, answerB, answerC, answerD, correctAnswer, userMultichoice, userTF, userSRating, userSSAnswer, qPassFail) {
this.questionNumber = questionNumber;
this.questionText = questionText;
this.answerType = answerType;
this.answerA = answerA;
this.answerB = answerB;
this.answerC = answerC;
this.answerD = answerD;
this.correctAnswer = correctAnswer;
this.userMultichoice = userMultichoice;
this.userTF = userTF;
this.userSRating = userSRating;
this.userSSAnswer = userSSAnswer;
this.qPassFail = qPassFail;
var question = new Array();
question[1] = new Question("1", "{tag_q1-question}", "{tag_q1-answer-type}", "{tag_q1-multichoice-a}", "{tag_q1-multichoice-b}", "{tag_q1-multichoice-c}", "{tag_q1-multichoice-d}", "{tag_q1-correct-answer}", "{tag_q-multichoice-1}", "{tag_q-t/f-1}", "{tag_s-ratings-1}", "{tag_s-shortanswer-1}", "{tag_q1-pass/fail}");
question[2] = new Question("2", "{tag_q2-question}", "{tag_q2-answer-type}", "{tag_q2-multichoice-a}", "{tag_q2-multichoice-b}", "{tag_q2-multichoice-c}", "{tag_q2-multichoice-d}", "{tag_q2-correct-answer}", "{tag_q-multichoice-2}", "{tag_q-t/f-2}", "{tag_s-ratings-2}", "{tag_s-shortanswer-2}", "{tag_q2-pass/fail}");
question[3] = new Question("3", "{tag_q3-question}", "{tag_q3-answer-type}", "{tag_q3-multichoice-a}", "{tag_q3-multichoice-b}", "{tag_q3-multichoice-c}", "{tag_q3-multichoice-d}", "{tag_q3-correct-answer}", "{tag_q-multichoice-3}", "{tag_q-t/f-3}", "{tag_s-ratings-3}", "{tag_s-shortanswer-3}", "{tag_q3-pass/fail}");
var userScore = "{tag_total score}";
var passingScore = "{tag_required score to pass}";
var showAnswers = "{tag_show answers}";
现在您已经了解了数据的存储方式,下面是输出数据的页面的代码。请注意,我遗漏了第 2 步,即运行搜索的代码 - 我知道这是可行的,所以我认为您不需要查看它。
<div class="row">
<div class="small-12 columns">
<div class="quiz-survey-search" id="qs-results" style="display: block;"> {module_webappscustomer,19627,l,,,_self,true,1,true,1} </div>
<div class="row">
<div class="small-12 columns">
<div class="correct" id="correct" style="display: none;">
<h2 id="quiz-headline-1" style="line-height:110%;margin-bottom:1rem;"></h2>
<h4 style="text-align:center;margin:1.5rem 3rem;color:black!important;">Good work completing this chapter!<br />
Your score is:</h4>
<div class="large-score" id="score-1"></div>
<div class="incorrect" id="incorrect" style="display: none;">
<h2 id="quiz-headline-2" style="line-height:110%;margin-bottom:1rem;"></h2>
<h4 style="text-align:center;margin:1.5rem 3rem;color:black!important;">You did not achieve the required passing score. Please review the materials and take the quiz again to complete this chapter.</h4>
<div class="large-score" id="score-2" style="margin:3rem 0rem;"></div>
<div class="survey" id="survey" style="display: none;">
<h2>Thank you for completing the survey.</h2>
<h4>Your answers have been submitted.</h4></div>
<div id="correct-answers" style="display: none;">
<h3 style="text-decoration: underline;">Correct Answers</h3>
<p style="font-weight: bold;">Although you passed the quiz you had one or more answers that were incorrect.
Below are the correct answers.</p>
<div class="row">
<div id="incorrectQuestions"></div>
var quizsurveyDiv = document.getElementById('qs-results').innerHTML;
if (quizsurveyDiv == " ") {
var element = '{module_url,AllIDs}';
var arrayOfStrings = element.split("-");
document.getElementById('CAT_Custom_206').value = arrayOfStrings[0];
document.getElementById('CAT_Custom_2').value = arrayOfStrings[1];
document.getElementById('CAT_Custom_3').value = arrayOfStrings[2];
} else {
if (quizSurvey == "Quiz") {
var qNumber = 0;
var qNumbers = function() {
for (i = 0; i <= 14; i++) {
if (question[i].questionText !== "") {
qNumber = qNumber + 1;
console.log('here - ' + qNumber);
var writeDivs = function() {
var incorrectQDiv = "";
for (i = 1; i <= qNumber; i++) {
if (question[i].qPassFail == "0") {
incorrectQDiv = document.getElementById('incorrectQuestions').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('incorrectQuestions').innerHTML = incorrectQDiv + "<div class='small-12 medium-6 columns incorrectQ' id='incorrectQ-" + question[i].questionNumber + "'>Hi!!</div>";
console.log('here2 - ' + qNumber);
} else if (question[i].qPassFail == "1") {
var writeQContent = function() {
for (var i = 1; i <= qNumber; i++) {
if (question[i].qPassFail == "0") {
if (question[i].answerType == "True/False") {
var qUserAnswer = question[i].userTF;
} else {
qUserAnswer = question[i].userMultichoice;
document.getElementById('incorrectQ-' + question[i].questionNumber).innerHTML = "<p><span class='pinkNum'>" + question[i].questionNumber + "</span>" + question[i].questionText + '</p><div class="row"><div class="small-12 small-push-12 medium-6 columns"><p><span class="pink-title">Your Answer: ' + qUserAnswer + '</span><br/><div id="incorrectA-' + question[i].questionNumber + '"></div></p></div><div class="small-12 small-pull-12 medium-6 columns"><p><span class="pink-title">Correct Answer: ' + question[i].correctAnswer + '</span><div id="correctA-' + question[i].questionNumber + '"></div></p></div></div>';
if (question[i].qPassFail == "0" && question[i].answerType == "Multiple Choice") {
var correctADiv = "correctA-" + question[i].questionNumber; console.log(correctADiv);
if (question[i].correctAnswer == "A") {
document.getElementById(correctADiv).innerHTML = question[i].answerA;
} else if (question[i].correctAnswer == "B") {
document.getElementById(correctADiv).innerHTML = question[i].answerB;
} else if (question[i].correctAnswer == "C") {
document.getElementById(correctADiv).innerHTML = question[i].answerC;
} else {
document.getElementById(correctADiv).innerHTML = question[i].answerD;
var showTheAnswers = function() {
if (quizPassFail == "1") {
document.getElementById('quiz-headline-1').innerHTML = "You passed the quiz: " + quizName;
document.getElementById('score-1').innerHTML = '<span class="large-score">' + totalScore + '%</span>';
document.getElementById('correct').style.display = "block";
if (showAnswers == "1") {
if (totalScore != "100") {
document.getElementById('correct-answers').style.display = "block";
} else if (showAnswers != "1" || totalScore == "100") {
document.getElementById('correct-answers').style.display = "none";
} else {
document.getElementById('quiz-headline-2').innerHTML = "Unfortunately you did not pass the quiz: " + quizName ;
document.getElementById('score-2').innerHTML = '<div class="hide-for-small medium-1 large-2 columns"> </div><div class="small-6 medium-5 large-4 columns"><p><span class="large-score" id="userScore"></span><br/>Your Score</p></div><div class="small-6 medium-5 large-4 columns"><p><span class="large-score" id="requiredScore"></span><br />Required Score</p></div><div class="hide-for-small medium-1 large-2 columns"> </div>';
document.getElementById('incorrect').style.display = "block";
var innerScores = function() {
document.getElementById('userScore').innerHTML = totalScore + "%";
document.getElementById('requiredScore').innerHTML = requiredScore + "%";
if (showAnswers == "1" && totalScore != "100") {
} else if (showAnswers == "0" && totalScore != "100") {
} else {
} else if (quizSurvey == "Survey") {
document.getElementById('survey').style.display = "block";