
当鸭子被点击时,它们会被“射击”,鸭子会从数组和舞台上移除(为此使用 arrayName.splice())。发生这种情况时,分数显示应该倒计时。

剩下的鸭子数量应该是 Score Display 类中的一个属性,并在射击鸭子时由 Main 调整。

当所有的鸭子都被“射中”时,游戏应该以动画形式显示“你赢了”的信息。这可以通过添加和删除将 ENTER FRAME 事件与动画函数相关联的事件侦听器来完成。(这只是值得的,所以留到最后)。




import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.text.TextField;

[SWF(width="800", height="600", backgroundColor="#E6FCFF")]

public class Main extends Sprite
    private var _sittingDucks:Array = []; //always set your arrays with [] at the top
    public var _scoreDisplay:TextField

    public function Main()
        //adding the background, and positioning it
        var background:Background = new Background();
        background.x = 30;
        background.y = 100;

        for(var i:uint = 0; i < 5; i++)
            //adding the first cloud, and positioning it
            var clouds:Clouds = new Clouds();
            clouds.x = 130 + Math.random() * 600; //130 to 730
            clouds.y = 230;
            clouds.speedX = Math.random() * 3;
            clouds.width = clouds.height = 200 * Math.random()//randomly changes the clouds demensions

        var waves:Waves = new Waves();
        waves.x = 0;
        waves.y = 510;
        waves.speedX = Math.random() * 3;

        for(var j:uint = 0; j < 8; j++)
            var ducks:Ducks = new Ducks();
            ducks.x = 100 + j * 100;
            ducks.y = 475;
            ducks.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ducksDestroy);

        var waves2:Waves = new Waves();
        waves2.x = 0;
        waves2.y = 520;
        waves2.speedX = Math.random() * 3;

        var setting:ForeGround = new ForeGround();
        setting.x = 0;
        setting.y = 50;
        setting.width = 920;

        var board:ScoreDisplay = new ScoreDisplay();
        board.x = 570;
        board.y = 35;

    private function ducksDestroy(event:MouseEvent):void
        //store the crow we clicked on in a new array
        var clickedDuck:Ducks = Ducks(event.currentTarget);

        //remove it from the crows array
        //find the address of the crow we are removing
        var index:uint = _sittingDucks.indexOf(clickedDuck);

        //remove it from the array with splice
        _sittingDucks.splice(index, 1);

        //remove it from my document's display list

import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.text.TextField;
import ScoreDisplayBase; // always import the classes you are using

public class ScoreDisplay extends ScoreDisplayBase
    private var txt:TextField; // where is it initialized?
    private var score:uint = 0;

    public function ScoreDisplay()
        super(); // do you init txt here?

    public function scoreUpdate():void
        score += 10; // ok, so I suppose that your score does not represent the remaining ducks as you said, just only a score
        txt.text = score.toString();

1 回答 1



  1. 您确实想在 ScoreDisplay 的构造函数中创建 TextField txt。实例化它,将其文本设置为初始分数 (0),然后addChild(txt).

  2. 为了稍后设置分数,我们需要一种引用显示的方法。

    //you want a reference to the ScoreDisplay, not this
    public var _scoreDisplay:TextField //no
    public var _scoreDisplay:ScoreDisplay //yes

    当您在 Main 构造函数中创建它时,我们需要保留一个引用。

    _scoreDisplay = :ScoreDisplay = new ScoreDisplay();
    this.addChild(_scoreDisplay );
    _scoreDisplay .x = 570;
    _scoreDisplay .y = 35;
  3. 如果您希望能够重置游戏,我建议您创建鸭子并将其放置在 Main 类的构造函数之外的方法中。您还应该创建一个“重置”函数,在 ScoreDisplay 中将分数(和显示)设置为 0。

    private function spawnDucks() {
        for(var j:uint = 0; j < 8; j++)
            var ducks:Ducks = new Ducks();
            ducks.x = 100 + j * 100;
            ducks.y = 475;
            ducks.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ducksDestroy);


  4. ducksDestroy(event:MouseEvent)将是您要重新计算分数、检查您是否赢了、显示消息并重置游戏的地方。您将需要某种弹出窗口来显示,如果您不知道从哪里开始,这是一个不错的弹出窗口。

    private function ducksDestroy(event:MouseEvent):void
        //store the crow we clicked on in a new array
        var clickedDuck:Ducks = Ducks(event.currentTarget);
        //remove it from the crows array
        //find the address of the crow we are removing
        var index:uint = _sittingDucks.indexOf(clickedDuck);
        //remove it from the array with splice
        _sittingDucks.splice(index, 1);
        //remove it from my document's display list
        //update the score
        //Check if all the ducks are gone
        if (_sittingDucks.length == 0) {
            //All the ducks are dead, we've won the game!
            //create some kind of popup to display.
            //add it to the screen, have some form
            //of button (or a timer) take it away
            //whatever takes the popup away, have it call 'reset'
    private function reset():void
        //write a reset method to clear the score
        //create some ducks and you're ready to go!
于 2012-04-26T20:24:58.183 回答