
过去我做过self.deptName($('#AssignedDepartment option:selected').text());,但现在这个下拉列表并不是唯一的。我可以有很多选择。我uniqueName: true在每个领域都使用。在订阅中,我如何确定更改了哪个下拉菜单?


    // Build the hours types when the request type is selected
    self.RequestType.subscribe(function (newValue) {
        FindRequestType(newValue, function (record) {
            // Do stuff

这是下拉列表的 HTML:

<select class="required span12" data-bind="leaveTypeDropDown: RequestType, uniqueName: true"></select>


ko.bindingHandlers.leaveTypeDropDown = {
    init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
        // If we don't have the leave request dropdown data, pull it.
        if (jsonRequestType === "") {
                'async': false,
                'url': '/api/payroll/LeaveRequestTypes/',
                'dataType': 'text json',
                'type': 'GET',
                'success': function (json) {
                    jsonRequestType = json;
                    jsonRequestTypeRecieved = true;

        // Fill the drop down list.

        // register event handler where bound observable will be changed
        ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, 'change', function () {
            var observable = valueAccessor();

        // Select the value from the previous record if there is one.
        if (selectedRequestType !== null) {
            element.value = selectedRequestType;
            ko.utils.triggerEvent(element, 'change');
            selectedRequestType = null;


更新 2:这是一个 jsFiddle,上面列出了我的(大部分)工作代码。http://jsfiddle.net/MikeWills/cykuqxto/6/出于某种原因,加载时我的下拉菜单不起作用,但再添加一天,您会看到我的下拉菜单。


1 回答 1


我们必须稍微清理一下您的方法。首先,让我们在您的模型上制作我们需要的所有可观察对象,并使用您的 ajax 调用填充第一个下拉选项:

var viewModel = {
    firstDropDownOptions: ko.observableArray(),
    firstDropDownChoice: ko.observable()

$.ajax(...).done(function (data) {
    // process data and assign
    // for the binding below to work, processedData has to have items like this:
    // {textProperty: 'some text', otherProperty: ...}
    // as you said in a comment, you have option groups so I'm going to assume
    // processedData looks like this overall:
    // [{group: 'one', options: [{text: 'Vacation', value: 'VAC'}, ...]}, ...]


<select data-bind="foreach: firstDropDownOptions, value: firstDropDownChoice">
    <optgroup data-bind="attr: {label: label}, foreach: options">
        <option data-bind="text: text, option: $data"></option>

这是使用来自KnockoutJS 的自定义绑定 - select 的绑定值与 optgroup 和 javascript 对象

ko.bindingHandlers.option = {
    update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
       var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
       ko.selectExtensions.writeValue(element, value); // note this is magic

最后,让我们订阅监控第一个下拉列表变化的 observable:

viewModel.firstDropDownChoice.subscribe(function (newChoice) {
    // in this function, newChoice is the option selected in the first drop down,
    // but not just the value, the whole object, so you can do:
    console.log(newChoice, newChoice.text);
于 2014-09-16T22:31:43.033 回答