我对 std::async 正在启动的进程有一些问题。
class BaseClass {
BaseClass() {enabledFlag = false;}
virtual ~BaseClass() {}
int process();
bool enabledFlag;
int BaseClass::process() {
int rc = -1;
if (enabledFlag == false) {
std::cout << "Not enabled\n" << std::flush;
return rc;
rc = 0;
while (enabledFlag) {
// this loop should set rc to be something other than zero if an error is to be signalled
// otherwise loop here doing stuff until the user sets enabledFlag=false
return rc;
class DerivedClassWithExposedMembersForTesting : public BaseClass {
using BaseClass::enabledFlag;
using BaseClass::process;
TEST(FixtureName, process_exitsWithRC0_WhenEnabledFlagSetTrueDuringExecution {
DerivedClassWithExposedMembersForTesting testClass;
testClass.enabledFlag = true;
// print status
std::cout << "Enabled: " << testClass.enabledFlag << std::endl << std::flush;
std::future<int> returnCodeFuture = std::async(std::launch::async, &DerivedClassWithExposedMembersForTesting::process, &testClass); // starts background execution
// set flag to false to kill loop
testClass.enabledFlag = false;
int rc = returnCodeFuture.get();
EXPECT_EQ(0, rc);
我对 std::async 的理解是它应该安排在调用 async 后不久运行,如果线程没有完成,执行的主线程将在 get() 调用处阻塞。对 get() 的调用将返回 process() 的返回值。
如果未启用 testClass,则 process() 设置为不运行,因此我在测试中启用它。
Enabled: 1
// test passes
Enabled: 1
Not enabled
// test fails
Value of: rc
Actual: -1
Expected: 0
为什么 std::async 触发的进程没有看到主进程在进行异步调用之前设置的 enabledFlag 的值?
注意: enabledFlag 应该从外部进程设置,而不是通常从循环内部设置,因此这种构造
** 更新 ** 根据我的评论,我在调用 async() 之后通过在测试中添加以下行来修复它:
// Use wait_for() with zero milliseconds to check thread status; delay until it has started
while (returnCodeFuture.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(0)) == std::future_status::deferred) {}