As what @fru1tbat mentioned, it's not really clear what is "not working" and what you really intend to do. If you would really just want to generate a pulse train, one would think you want to generate a series of alternating '1' and '0', not all '1's like in the code you posted.
Also, the i
counter just counts up, and can only be reset to '0' by use of the reset
signal, which is fine as long as you intended it that way.
If you'd like to generate a train of '1's and '0's, you'd need something like this (not tested, but should be along these lines):
architecture behaviour of con40 is
constant trainLength:positive:=80;
signal i:unsigned(6 downto 0):=(others=>'0');
process(reset,clk) is begin
if reset then
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
q<='0'; -- default assignment.
-- Defaults to '0' when if-statement fails.
if i<trainLength then
q<=not q;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture behaviour;
This gives you a single-shot pulse train, means there is no way to repeat generation of the pulse train unless you assert the reset
signal again. This is fine if it's what you want, otherwise, you'll need more signals to cater for cases where you'd like to re-generate the pulse train without resetting.
Here, I'm assuming you'd like 40 HIGH pulses, which essentially makes the train length 80 clock cycles, not 40. Also, I'm assuming you want a 50% duty cycle, i.e. the HIGH and LOW times are equal. Depending on your requirements, you may need a pulse width that is longer or shorter.
With these assumptions in mind, you'd need at least a 7-bit counter to count 80 clocks. You may think of other better ways to do this as well, but this just comes off the top of my head, and is probably a good place to start.
If your tool doesn't yet support VHDL-2008's enhanced port modes (e.g. ability to read from out
-mode ports), then you could declare q
as having a buffer
mode instead of out
. If your tool doesn't support buffer
port modes, then you can declare an internal signal and use it for your logic. E.g.:
signal i_q: std_ulogic;
i_q<=not i_q; -- use internal signal for logic instead.
q<=i_q; -- drive output from internal signal.
To adjust the frequency, simply supply a higher or lower frequency into your clk
input. This can be generated from another PLL, or a frequency divider, or any other oscillating circuitry you have available. Just supply its output into your clk
Hope this helps.