Docker data volumes is living within the host or boot2docker on the local VM(boot2docker).

Having big data from mongoDB running in a data container and mongoDB in another seems to be the way. Will this scale on Google Cloud Engine or Azure Virtuel Machines or other. I mean if all this is running within ONE Virtuel Machine, like boot2docker or other in the cloud. Normally you would scale VM's by creating new instances of VM's but how is this possible with Docker?

Sorry to ask this on StackExchange, but there is no category on dba - but StackExchange has a Category for Docker.


Regards Christian


2 回答 2



于 2015-11-08T16:13:39.110 回答

在生产中,您将拥有大量(虚拟)机器,每个机器都在运行 docker。要扩展 mongodb,您将拥有多对 {mongodb, mongodb-data} 容器,其中每一对都在同一台机器上运行(共享卷所需)。


1) 以对扩展目的有意义的方式配置 mongodb(分片、副本池等)

2) 防火墙权限、IP 地址、端口等,以允许 docker 容器跨主机相互通信。

Docker 不能为您解决 1) 问题,因为它是特定于应用程序的。Mongodb 将采用与 couchbase 不同的方式来执行此操作。2)Docker尚未解决,但我认为有一天可能会解决。

于 2014-09-06T17:44:17.640 回答