I writing a fast "8 bit reverse"-routine for an avr-project with an ATmega2560 processor. I'm using
- GNU C (WinAVR 20100110) version 4.3.3 (avr) / compiled by GNU C version 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special r3), GMP version 4.2.3, MPFR version 2.4.1.
First I created a global lookup-table of reversed bytes (size: 0x100):
uint8_t BitReverseTable[]
__attribute__((__progmem__, aligned(0x100))) = {
This works as expected. That is the macro I intend to use, which should cost me only 5 cylces:
#define BITREVERSE(x) (__extension__({ \
register uint8_t b=(uint8_t)x; \
__asm__ __volatile__ ( \
"ldi r31, hi8(table)" "\n\t" \
"mov r30, ioRegister" "\n\t" \
"lpm ioRegister, z" "\n\t" \
:[ioRegister] "+r" (b) \
:[table] "g" (BitReverseTable) \
:"r30", "r31" \
); \
The code to get it compiled (or not).
int main() /// Test for bitreverse
return 0;
That's the error I get from the compiler:
c:/winavr-20100110/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/bin/as.exe -mmcu=atmega2560 -o bitreverse.o C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp/ccCefE75.s
C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp/ccCefE75.s: Assembler messages:
C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp/ccCefE75.s:349: Error: constant value required
C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp/ccCefE75.s:350: Error: constant value required
I guess the problem is here:
:[table] "g" (BitReverseTable) \
From my point of view BitReverseTable is the memory position of the array, which is fixed and known at compile time. Therefor it is constant. Maybe I need to cast BitReverseTable into something (i tried anything I could think of). Maybe I need another constraint ("g" was my last test). I'm sure I used anything possible and impossible. I coded an assembler version, which works fine, but instead of being an inline assembly code, this is a proper function which adds another 6 cycles (for call and ret).
Any advice or suggestions are very welcome!
Full source of bitreverse.c on pastebin. Verbose compiler output also on pastebin