我正在尝试制作地图以显示苏格兰表土中记录的铬浓度(n = 1000)。以下是数据的子集:
Easting Northing Concentration
1 -4.327230 55.94000 1.913814
2 -4.336588 55.77886 1.408240
3 -4.334057 55.93637 1.798651
4 -4.340633 55.94451 1.629410
5 -4.341627 55.77247 1.382017
6 -4.354362 55.78004 1.432969
7 -4.327912 55.94871 1.488551
8 -4.301948 55.77286 1.278754
9 -4.317669 55.77715 1.465383
10 -4.266635 55.77981 1.793092
11 -4.349507 55.77358 1.336460
12 -4.331458 55.92509 1.546543
13 -4.360420 55.77211 1.720986
14 -4.316048 55.93779 1.876795
15 -4.348813 55.92620 1.637490
16 -4.358550 55.92574 1.460898
17 -4.271819 55.88522 2.011570
18 -4.350699 55.93884 1.385606
19 -4.323065 55.78208 1.620136
20 -4.305748 55.94769 1.463893
21 -4.324094 55.76453 1.416641
22 -4.311998 55.77294 1.390935
23 -4.295788 55.77657 1.378398
24 -4.351286 55.94323 1.485721
25 -4.344118 55.78473 1.623249
26 -4.358147 55.93492 1.454845
27 -4.310889 55.78653 1.372912
28 -4.270665 55.77506 1.706718
29 -4.341747 55.78244 1.561101
30 -4.312615 55.93929 1.521138
31 -4.330014 55.78626 1.564666
32 -4.328320 55.95283 2.313656
33 -4.334340 55.93043 2.007748
34 -4.317788 55.76303 1.309630
35 -4.342244 55.93936 1.680336
36 -4.351105 55.94818 1.673942
37 -4.351354 55.93379 1.396199
38 -4.318706 55.93135 1.854913
39 -4.315999 55.93428 1.361728
40 -4.326163 55.78588 1.646404
41 -4.302010 55.78203 2.023664
42 -4.318585 55.78720 1.305351
43 -4.304388 55.94097 1.465383
44 -4.309106 55.93414 1.539076
45 -4.297275 55.77474 1.503791
46 -4.298785 55.93290 1.447158
47 -4.326837 55.77311 1.555094
48 -4.342423 55.92641 1.338456
49 -4.332528 55.77228 1.491362
50 -4.347461 55.78197 1.426511
'data.frame': 50 obs. of 3 variables:
$ Easting : num -4.33 -4.34 -4.33 -4.34 -4.34 ...
$ Northing : num 55.9 55.8 55.9 55.9 55.8 ...
$ Concentration: num 1.91 1.41 1.8 1.63 1.38 ...
qmap(location="glasgow", maptype = "terrain",zoom=10,color="bw"
maprange=FALSE) +
stat_contour(data = dat.tmp, geom="polygon",
aes(x =Easting, y = Northing, z = Concentration
, fill = ..level.. ) ) +
scale_fill_continuous(name = "Cu (mg/kg)", low = "yellow", high = "red" )
Error in unit(tic_pos.c, "mm") : 'x' and 'units' must have length > 0
In addition: Warning message:
Not possible to generate contour data
任何帮助将不胜感激 - 谢谢。