I cannot change the color of the bottom of the selected tab (TabItem
) on the TabControl
. I need to change from light blue to dark blue as at the top.
I'm using Firemonkey for Android and Delphi XE6.
I cannot change the color of the bottom of the selected tab (TabItem
) on the TabControl
. I need to change from light blue to dark blue as at the top.
I'm using Firemonkey for Android and Delphi XE6.
使用以下链接来帮助您获得原始默认样式。从那里您可以使用样式的副本,并通过拖放 TStylebook 并双击->加载您复制的样式->进行更改后根据需要进行更改,然后保存并应用..然后只需更改表单的样式书属性...
可能是主题生成器 会帮助你。
更改样式名称 [现在示例] 并设置您的主题,只需下载 zip,将其粘贴到您的资源文件夹中,然后在清单文件中更改主题,例如