这听起来像是一个愚蠢的问题,但我还在学习 C,所以请多多包涵。:)
我正在编写 K&R(结构)的第 6 章,到目前为止,这本书已经取得了巨大的成功。我决定大量使用结构,因此在本章的开头用 point 和 rect 示例做了很多工作。我想尝试的一件事是canonrect
通过指针更改函数(第 2 版,第 131 页)工作,因此返回void
#include <stdio.h>
#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
struct point {
int x;
int y;
struct rect {
struct point lowerLeft;
struct point upperRight;
// canonicalize coordinates of rectangle
void canonRect(struct rect *r);
int main(void) {
struct point p1, p2;
struct rect r;
p1.x = 10;
p1.y = 10;
p2.x = 20;
p2.y = 40;
r.lowerLeft = p2; // note that I'm inverting my points intentionally
r.upperRight = p1;
printf("Rectangle, lower left: %d, %d; upper right: %d %d\n\n",
r.lowerLeft.x, r.lowerLeft.y, r.upperRight.x, r.upperRight.y);
// can't pass a pointer, only a reference.
// (Passing pointers results in illegal indirection compile time errors)
printf("Rectangle, lower left: %d, %d; upper right: %d %d\n\n",
r.lowerLeft.x, r.lowerLeft.y, r.upperRight.x, r.upperRight.y);
void canonRect(struct rect *r) {
struct rect temp;
temp.lowerLeft.x = min(r->lowerLeft.x, r->upperRight.x);
temp.lowerLeft.y = min(r->lowerLeft.y, r->upperRight.y);
temp.upperRight.x = max(r->lowerLeft.x, r->upperRight.x);
temp.upperRight.y = max(r->lowerLeft.y, r->upperRight.y);
r = &temp; // doesn't work; my passed-in rect remains the same
// I wind up doing the following instead, to reassign all
// the members of my passed-in rect
//r->lowerLeft = temp.lowerLeft;
//r->upperRight = temp.upperRight;
- 为什么不
r = &temp;
工作?(我认为这是因为我传入了引用而不是指针;我认为引用不可修改但指针是正确的吗?) - 如果我尝试传递指向 的指针,为什么会出现非法间接编译时错误
我怀疑我已经知道#1 的答案,但#2 让我感到困惑——我认为传递指针是合法的。