


const char* attStr = strdup(OtherCharStr); string str(attStr, strlen(attStr)); delete str; //???


2 回答 2


C++ 使用称为RIAA - Resource Acquisition Is Initialization的成语。这意味着对象的生命周期是由变量范围驱动的。

    std::string s("foo"); // variable s declaration and string initialization
    // end of scope of variable s - it is destroyed here
    // no need to free(s) or whatever
// variable s and the string doesn't exist here, no memory for it is allocated

这仅适用于正确维护其资源的 C++ 对象(在析构函数中释放它们)。简单的指针不会这样做 - 你必须自己释放它们:

const char *attStr = strdup(...);
// do something with attStr
free(attStr); // because strdup() documentation says you should free it with free()

另请注意,C++ 使用newanddelete而不是malloc()and free()

std::string *strPointer = new std::string(...);
// RIAA doesn't work here, because strPointer is just plain pointer,
// so this is the case when you need to use free() or delete
delete strPointer;

我建议阅读一些有关智能指针的内容,这些指针会自动删除它们指向的对象。我与最初的问题相去甚远,但这个主题对于理解 C++ 的工作原理很重要。

于 2014-09-01T14:39:54.637 回答

您需要释放 attStr 而不是单独释放其资源的 c++ 字符串。

void func()
    const char* attStr = strdup(OtherCharStr);
    string str(attStr, strlen(attStr));
}//here str will release its own resources

你也可以做 string str = OtherCharStr; 就是这样。只检查 OtherCharStr 发生了什么

于 2014-09-01T14:32:58.777 回答