我正在从 boost 与推力一起使用的 odeint 扩展参数研究示例,并且我不知道如何将值向量传递给观察者的构造函数,以便可以从观察者的函子中访问(只读)这些值.


//// Observes the system, comparing the current state to 
//// values in unchangingVector

struct minimum_perturbation_observer { 
  struct minPerturbFunctor
    template< class T >
    __host__ __device__
    void operator()( T t ) const
    //// I would like to be able to read any member 
    //// of m_unchangingVector here.

  minimum_perturbation_observer( size_t N, state_type unchangingVector, int len) : 
        m_N( N ),
        m_output( N ),
        m_unchangingVector( len ) // len is the correct length of unchangingVector
    // all trials start with output = 0
    thrust::fill( m_output.begin() , m_output.end() , 0.0 );

    // copy unchangingVector to m_unchangingVector, the latter 
    // of which should be accessible from the functor operator() 
    // above.
    thrust::copy( unchangingVector.begin(), unchangingVector.end(),

  template< class State >
  void operator()(State x , value_type t )
                 thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
                                   boost::begin( x ) + 0*m_N,
                                   boost::begin( x ) + 1*m_N,
                                   boost::begin( m_output )
                 thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
                                   boost::begin( x ) + 1*m_N,
                                   boost::begin( x ) + 2*m_N,
                                   boost::begin( m_output ) + m_N
                            ) ,
                 minPerturbFunctor() );

  // variables
  size_t m_N; // number of trials (i.e. number of initial conditions)
  state_type m_output;   // of length N_ICS
  state_type m_unchangingVector; // 

我已经尝试过制作 m_unchangVectorstaticconst,但这是不正确的,因为它需要在观察者实例化时进行设置。

或者,也许最好的方法是将 unchangedVector 作为另一个参数传递thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(...,但我觉得这些项目将按照状态变量的方式进行索引(这不是我想要的)。一个可能有帮助的答案是解释 (T t) 在仿函数声明中的含义,以及我如何将 unchangedVector 作为同一个对象传递给正在评估运算符的每个线程。


我为上面的代码得到的错误是error: a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object. 当我尝试访问仿函数中的 m_unchangVector 时抛出。



  struct minPerturbFunctor

    minPerturbFunctor( state_type unchangingVector, int len ) :
    f_unchangingVector( len ) 
      // copy from argument to local vector (probably unnecessary, but
      // getting errors about calling host-functions from device/host 
      // so being paranoid about trying to make sure things are device-side
      thrust::copy( f_unchangingVector.begin(), 
      f_len = len;      

    template< class T >
    __host__ __device__
    void operator()( T t ) const
        // I can now access f_len here (progress!)
        // But when I try to access any element via e.g., 
        // f_unchangingVector[0] I get the error below

警告:不允许从主机设备函数("minimum_perturbation_observer::minPerturbFunctor::operator () > ")调用主机函数("thrust::detail::vector_base > ::operator []")

错误消息/usr/local/cuda/bin/..//include/thrust/detail/function.h(104):错误:从设备函数调用主机函数(“thrust::device_vector > ::device_vector”)("thrust::detail::device_function ::device_function") 是不允许的



1 回答 1



struct minPerturbFunctor
    state_type::value_type* m_ptr;
    size_t m_len;
    minPerturbFunctor( state_type const& x )
    : m_ptr( thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&x[0]) )
    , m_len( x.size() )
    { }

    template< class T >
    __host__ __device__
    void operator()( T t ) const
        // now you can access m_ptr like m_ptr[i] 

这几乎是 Robert Crovella 的建议。

于 2014-08-29T21:36:59.940 回答