在 Worklight 6.2 上,如果我在 iphone/native 下的任何位置创建一个名为 LibInclude 的目录,Worklight 会隐藏该目录以及 Project Explorer 视图中的任何内容。如果您使用 Jazz SCM,它将显示在 Pending Changes 视图中,但是当您尝试签入任何文件时,它将给出无法找到该文件的错误。如果我在不在 iphone/native 下的任何地方创建 LibInclude,它就可以正常工作。

这是一个问题,因为 Xtify 使用具有此名称的文件夹来存储其 SDK 中的某些文件,我们无法将这些文件签入 SCM。

要重新创建,请使用 iPhone 环境创建一个 WL 项目。然后在您的操作系统浏览器中,导航到 iphone/native 并创建一个名为 LibInclude 的文件夹。返回 eclipse 并从 Project Explorer 视图刷新,您创建的文件夹将不可见。

这在 WL 6.1 中可以正常工作。



1 回答 1


While it is true that in 6.1 you can create this folder and in 6.2 you "can't", I do not understand the reason to do this to begin with.

You shouldn't need to create this folder because you can see that the LibInclude folder already exists in the application's folder structure: iphone\native\XtifyLib\CustomInbox\LibInclude.

Are you perhaps trying to add additional files to this folder for later use?
The scenario is not clear enough.

IF what you want is to add there files for later use, then also note that it is not enough to just place files there, because after building and opening the Xcode project, those files will not be linked - you will still need to select "Add files..." (in Xcode) and add the files so that they will be known to the project.

Additionally, you may want to store your additional files(?) not in the iphone\native folder, but in the iphone\nativeResources folder.
Simply recreate the folder structure within: iphone\nativeResources\XtifyLib\CustomInbox\LibInclude

Then you can save in your SCM the nativeResources folder instead of the native folder.
On the next build, the files from the nativeResources folder will be copied into the native folder respectively.

Note that you will still need to link the files when the project is later opened in Xcode.

It will help if you will explain the full scenario

于 2014-09-03T05:17:47.007 回答