I am very into creating a canvas game, but im not sure if its worth the effort, and this is why...

Flash has Adobe Flash which is an interface for creating very complex animations, games and apps. So im sure that a program is soon to come where, making games and animation will not require anny coding skills, it will al be done via a graphical user interface, pushing buttons and such. So i am afraid i will put all this time into something that evantually will not be even necesary to achive the same goal.

What do you people think?


2 回答 2


Yes definitely worth learning. I don't believe any AAA games could ever be created without coding. Canvas is supported in all browsers and gives the users of your website a chance to try out something without fancy installations or crashed applications.

Canvas is also a good thing to put on your resume once you are good at it :)

Like someone else said, It's never a waste to learn something new.

Also, I think this question is more or opinion. If your trying to get a job on the server side for example: It may be more useful to learn some other server side technologies first.

于 2014-08-26T16:21:32.943 回答

I think that putting effort in learning is not useless, more if we are speaking about html5 canvas against flash whatever, because flash is dying and html5/css3/js is starting to rule in the same areas flash used to.

But more important is that you define if you want to develop a game or just make a game pointing and clicking

于 2014-08-26T16:21:05.880 回答