I was evaluating the outlook redemption for conversion of .eml to .msg file and subsequently purchase of the software.

what I found was it uses current user login to connect to outlook and convert a .eml file to .msg.

but I would like to know is that if we deploy this on the server we would use a service account for the conversion.

now the question is whether this service account that is used to perform the .eml to .msg conversion is required to have valid email id on the exchange server.


2 回答 2


LogonExchangeMailbox(User, ServerName) 或
LogonPstStore(Path, Format, DisplayName, Password, Encryption) http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/rdo/rdosession.htm

于 2013-01-04T11:18:30.640 回答

请记住,您无需登录即可将 EML 文件转换为 MSG:调用 RDOSession.CreateMessageFroMMsgFIle(返回 RDOMail 对象),调用 RDOMail.IMport(..., olRfc822) 导入 EML 文件,然后调用 RDOMail.Save。

于 2014-09-05T18:00:45.690 回答